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Old 12 May 2004, 08:07   #41
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
All I will say is that in a two way dispute, there are three sides. Both parties views and opionons and the truth. Alan P
Just to throw in a comment for a manufactures point of view.

If we where put in the frame but not named I would want everyone to see the result.
This would be the same if we were the actual company involved.
I would want all to see my side and the truth to show what we have tried to do to make it right.

As you say there are at least two sides.

The result maybe that its a 50/50 thing.

At the moment all here think its Redbay and that not good as its not def that it is them and it could harm them.
Who ever it is it is right that the members here are told who it is and what happened to protect or help them in the future.
After all they guy came on here to get help.
It would be only right that he now helps the other members to make an informed choice in the future.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 12 May 2004, 08:20   #42
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
All I will say is that in a two way dispute, there are three sides. Both parties views and opionons and the truth. Alan P
Yes Alan, we know that. But we've only been presented with one side.
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Old 12 May 2004, 11:02   #43
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
All I will say is that in a two way dispute, there are three sides. Both parties views and opionons and the truth. Alan P
As in every dispute, however I have to agree with the Guys and feel that it is only right that the the conclusion is posted for all to read, after all RMH came on here for "advise" and basically tried to start a witch hunt against Redbay.
I for one am not interested in the nitty gritty of the settlement only the basics i.e was it as bad as was made out etc etc.
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Old 12 May 2004, 12:39   #44
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Guys and Girl. I am bound by contract, preventing me from mentioning the contents of the report. What I do know is that both parties are looking at this website and it is up to them if they want to "Go Public". Alan P
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Old 12 May 2004, 13:10   #45
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Alan, that's reasonable enough. You have been a third party assisting and I trust you have done a good job here in bringing the dispute to a satisfactory conclusion.

Look forward to hearing from RMH now.
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Old 12 May 2004, 23:33   #46
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11 mtr problems

from rmh.
Sorry I have not had time to reply (health) As stated by AP the parties are bound by contract not to release details, the Companies legal team insisted on this embargo?
Statement: I resent any inference as to the facts or honesty of any of my threads and categorically state to the best of my knowledge all information given by myself to be factual.
Since the boat was relaunched, more problems have arisen. I can now state that "THE JURY IS STILL OUT" on this sad and sorry case.
A question was asked, why the owner bought this boat with all the subsequent faults and bad build quality. The owner was assured and guaranteed that this was the flagship of the Company and a model had already been built that was a total success. This turned out to be untrue as during all the problems, continual statements were made by the Company that the other boat had those problems as well. My integrity has always been upheld and I have never mentioned the Company involved. I have been contacted by others with similar problems so "No" this is not an isolated case.
The owner had hoped to put all this behind and move forward, but it takes two to tango. The current childish attitude will have to cease for things to improve.
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Old 13 May 2004, 22:46   #47
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You know, this isn't the only 11m to have these sort of problems.......the identical boat being used by a friend of mine had has taken him over a year to get all his problems sorted......and no, his IS'NT the grey one.

I had him chartered for a corporate group when the windscreen wiper fell off, it had just been picked up that morning to have it re-fitted too.

Then it wouldn't get up on the plane. Their answer was "Well it's four months old now, the hull is starting to absorb water, so it will be a little heavier."..............FFS! By my reckoning, in a year's time, it will be underwater!!!
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Old 14 May 2004, 07:20   #48
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I can understand Alan and RMH’s position in all this and if they are bound not to say anything then that’s fair enough, but by the manufacturer not coming forward with there side or allowing the full story to be told I feel that they are doing there reputation a lot of damage, most people on the forum can make up there own minds about a particular issue and most have a good idea who the manufacturer really is, and all of us know and have dealt with particular problems with RIBs now and in the past, so in essence its not really the build quality that’s being scrutinized here it’s the customer service and after sales service provided to the customer.
We have debated customer satisfaction against build quality in the past to great lengths on the forum and statistically we keep going back to the same companies because we know and like the after sales and customer service these particular companies provide, but if this manufacturer wont provide the service the paying customer wants then they are in jeopardy of loosing business long term, and we must remember we are not talking here about a 7k 4 metre rib, we are talking about a substantial amount of money and when we spend lots of money we naturally expect the product to be fit for purpose and have the back up of the manufacturer when things inevitable go wrong !!

So yes two sides to every story!! We all know that but let’s hear both sides and let’s let the educated members of this great forum decide for themselves about this issue, you never know we might all respect the particular manufacturer a bit more for dealing with the issues and problems RMH has had with his boat and coming forward with the details, silence now can only harm them more long term !!

And yes i do understand that this is a private matter between the manufacturer and RMH, but RMH did bring this to the forum and did ask for advise and has because of his request recruited Alan to the matter, dispite the distances between us all here in the UK and across the world, this is still a relatively small community !
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Old 16 May 2004, 00:25   #49
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if the accused are as speculated, i know them. Decent straight folk, honest as the day is long, quiet and dignified. Wouldn't be the types to rush to internet forums, but i'd buy a boat from them any day of the week.
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Old 16 May 2004, 00:39   #50
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Every thing that I have read on this thread tells me you should have bought a Eurocommuter
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
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Old 16 May 2004, 07:25   #51
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Every thing that I have read on this thread tells me you should have bought a Eurocommuter
Any news, has it turned up yet?
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Old 16 May 2004, 19:08   #52
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Rogue at least this boat exists albeit with a couple of problems. The Eurocomuter thingy well, CH has a fortnight to porduce it to the 2nd Ribnet Event.


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Old 16 May 2004, 23:38   #53
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Never heard about anything like that, is it possible!
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Old 17 May 2004, 07:04   #54
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Martin, Refresh our collective memories, what make of RIB did you buy in the end?
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Old 17 May 2004, 07:37   #55
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A rib!
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Old 17 May 2004, 10:45   #56
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Originally Posted by gaelforce
if the accused are as speculated, i know them. Decent straight folk, honest as the day is long, quiet and dignified. Wouldn't be the types to rush to internet forums, but i'd buy a boat from them any day of the week.
I don't ever envisage spending the types of money that an 11m RIB would cost, but if I did I would expect the QC of the production to match the type of money being paid. It's not a big thing to ask. The profit margin on these boats is reasonable. It's a shame that in an industry so small, a manufacturer could expect to sell sub-standard goods and get away with it. He may be a very nice guy, but I'd rather a complete Bxxxxxd who'd sell me a fine boat and stand over it. The types of flaws described in some of these postings are easily dealt with and seem to indicate some problems in the way things are done.

As for whether he would rush to an internet forum...seems like he should seriously consider it before his reputation is damaged unnecessarily.
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Old 17 May 2004, 11:18   #57
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Originally Posted by Alan
Martin, Refresh our collective memories, what make of RIB did you buy in the end?
According to his previous posts it one of those crappy old scorpions!!!

PS, I think they're a very nice boat Mr Jelly sir.
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Old 17 May 2004, 11:31   #58
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In the words of Francis Urquhart "You might well think that but I couldn't possibly comment!"
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Old 17 May 2004, 13:27   #59
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As has been said in previous posts there is two sides to every story and I have already posted how I found the guys at Redbay here

As many of you on RIBnet will know in your own occupations you can never please all of your customers all of the time, and every now and again you get a customer that you will never please whatever you do. I have a feeling that RMH is one of these customers.

If he noted design faults during construction then surely he should have pointed this out at the time....even to the point of stopping a stage payment until they are rectified and if needed refusing to accept the boat upon completion until all points a fixed to his satisfaction.

I for one do not think that there is any problem whatsoever with the build quality of the ones that I've seen, yes they are "workhorse" type built, very strong and indeed over engineered in many aspects for what their end use will be, however having seen the construction below deck (yes they do build inspection hatches unlike some manufactures who cover everything)
I would and indeed do not have any worries about going out in bad weather, it is some feeling being airborne in a 30' boat.
I expect any Rib to do what it is designed to with out falling to bits (stainless engine vents would be better than the plastic ones though) and to that is why I have had 2 Redbays and will continue only to buy them.

No equipment is indestuctable and faults do occur, but what I would say is that if you are going to look for a Rib go and see all the others and really look at their construction then look at a Redbay, thats what I did and am not regreting it one bit.

Naked as for a wiper falling off come on if your going to slag of a competitor, after all that is what Redbay is to you now, something better than that and as for it soaking water there it must surely have been damaged....or is the gellcoat that cheap its gone pourous

As I have said before I do not have any allegence to the guys at Redbay other than they build excellent boat,but I do know that they put their heart and soul (along with a considerable amount of investment) into their boats and do not deserve the tarnishing that some are trying to give them, however disussion is good.
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Old 17 May 2004, 14:15   #60
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Originally Posted by Andy Gee

or is the gellcoat that cheap its gone pourous
As I have said before I do not have any allegence to the guys at Redbay other than they build excellent boat,but I do know that they put their heart and soul (along with a considerable amount of investment) into their boats and do not deserve the tarnishing that some are trying to give them, however disussion is good.


I'm speaking as someone who is only interested in this thread due to the fact that it has been posted on Ribnet & has NO INTENTION of ever spending the money to buy a huge Rib.

As mentioned by RMH 'the parties are bound by contract not to release details, the Companies legal team insisted on this embargo?'

Note - this is not RMH

However , I personally don't believe that the unnamed companies reputation has been greatly tarnished by this thread.
It has had a chance to respond (& hasn't) & therefore a lot of people will now maybe be at least a LOT WISER when spending this amount of money on a Rib (with any Company).
In another respect it has 'opened' a few eyes to certain Rib Companies After-Sales support..

Can you kill this thread as it is now going nowhere

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