Hi guys and girls, bit of a dilemma that someone in here will hopefully be able to help with.
I’m repainting my boat deck and gunnels and I’ve used 2 part international perfection undercoat. I’m ready to apply the top coat, but my local chandlery is out if stock of the perfection top coat and won’t be getting any in for a while.
I need to get the job done this week, so I’ve looked at another chandlery and they don’t stock international but they do stock Hempel, and with that 2 part Polygloss which is also a two part polyurethane paint.
So my question is are they compatible??
Is it ok to use the international primer undercoat and with a Hempel Top coat? I’ve looked at both data sheets and the content seems to identical so theoretically speaking it shouldn’t matter?
Has anyone done this or knows if it will be ok?
Just by chance the Hempel is also £20 cheaper per 750ml than the perfection.
Thanks in advance?