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Old 29 December 2021, 16:41   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Boat name: MALC
Make: Zodiac
Length: under 3m
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Posts: 5
2016 Ribeye TS350 advice

Hello all

First time here and first potential RIB purchase. I am currently in talks with a someone about buying their 2016 Ribeye TS350 and have struggled to find any decent reviews on line. I can just about find the tech info but no real life reviews.

The boat is intended for some family fun (five of us) in around the Falmouth area. I know it’s on the small side but I intend to use it solo for exploring and fishing trips so like the idea of keeping thing compact.

Any advice on performance/handling and would be fantastic.

Thank you for your time
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Old 30 December 2021, 20:53   #2
Country: UK - England
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To be honest, it's more of a tender for larger boats than a family RIB, you'd be extremely cramped and in any weather dangerous with 5 onboard!! If you want to keep it compact then look around the 4.8m mark
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Old 31 December 2021, 07:51   #3
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Agree with Pipster that 3.5m will be tight as a gnat's chuff with 5 on board, in what I assume is 2 adults and children? Might be doable until the wind picks up, then it's no fun.

Ribcraft 4.8 is good compromise especially if you think it's going to be a long term investment rather than a summer toy. Kids grow fast, so that's the best way to approach it. Almost impossible to find a boat with adequate seating for all, but then Ribcraft did this. Means youngest get a seat, and those more able sit up front next to the helm with suitable handholds.

Oh and max out the engine. The Ribcraft at this size is used as safety boat and not uncommon to see a lardy Honda 50 on the stern. Max it with a new 4-stroke Yammie 70hp.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 31 December 2021, 08:53   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by floatsy View Post
Hello all

First time here and first potential RIB purchase. I am currently in talks with a someone about buying their 2016 Ribeye TS350 and have struggled to find any decent reviews on line. I can just about find the tech info but no real life reviews.

The boat is intended for some family fun (five of us) in around the Falmouth area. I know it’s on the small side but I intend to use it solo for exploring and fishing trips so like the idea of keeping thing compact.

Any advice on performance/handling and would be fantastic.

Thank you for your time
The ts range are great tenders, we have a 280 as a tender for our boat & regularly have 4 folk, 2 adults & 2 kids & occasionally the dog (labrador) obviously its usually just from Anchorage or visitor mooring to shore so always sheltered. Occasionally I'll take the two boys for a fishing trip whilst mum relaxes & the 3 of us can fish ok in good weather.
The 350 with 5 will be cosy but will accommodate you in sheltered areas on good days but you wouldnt want to be out for long with 5 aboard. If the plan was to taxi everyone to a beach for an afternoon occasionally then on good days it will work but if you think your all going for an all day jolly sat in the boat you need to think again. If your main use is single handed launch for a coastal fishing trip alone or with another then it will work. It all depends what your planning to do with the boat. Only you can decide if it suits your main use.
Theres another thread on here someone asking if an almost 6m boat will be sufficient for cruising & a lot of folk saying its too small. Only you can decide what you want from your boat. On the plus side those ts tenders sell like hot cakes so as long as you dont pay over the odds you'll easily resell or trade up for something larger if it doesnt suit

Sent from my SM-G950F using RIB Net mobile app
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Old 31 December 2021, 09:05   #5
Country: UK - England
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Spartacus & Pipster

Thanks for the great advice on size and especially safety!

The Ribcraft 4.8 looks amazing and definitely something to aspire to. I’m currently running an old 2.3hp Johnson so the thought of a 4-stroke yammie 70hp gives me tingles in new places.

Thanks again for sharing your wisdom.
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Old 31 December 2021, 09:16   #6
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: MALC
Make: Zodiac
Length: under 3m
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Thanks for the message. The boat is very much intended for quick beach hops and exploring in sheltered areas and the occasional fishing jolly on my own or with my daughter. I can foresee that a larger boat will be necessary as we become more experienced and confident, I better start saving now!!!

Do you think £1350 for boat and trailer sounds about right?

Thank you for your time.
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Old 31 December 2021, 15:57   #7
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzukidf70 2x6lp 315
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Originally Posted by floatsy View Post

Thanks for the message. The boat is very much intended for quick beach hops and exploring in sheltered areas and the occasional fishing jolly on my own or with my daughter. I can foresee that a larger boat will be necessary as we become more experienced and confident, I better start saving now!!!

Do you think £1350 for boat and trailer sounds about right?

Thank you for your time.
1350 with a trailer assuming its decent is a good price, the boats were pretty expensive when new.
In comparison a 3.6 quicksilver is 3k and a 3.4 highfield is 2.4k both without consoles. You don't say if yours is a console or tiller version obviously a console version will be more

Sent from my SM-G950F using RIB Net mobile app
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Old 01 January 2022, 21:00   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Boat name: MALC
Make: Zodiac
Length: under 3m
Engine: Outboard
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 5
Thanks Beamishken, helpful advice and info.
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