Originally Posted by Locozodiac
both decks are completely sealed like a glove, the only reasonable idea would be to drain flooded bildge in case you break the upper deck,
Thats what everyone hopes - although there have been many threads on here with people trying to trace a small leak.
how about flooding once on water with lower valve plug removed, once completely filled, place plug back to balance better rib ?
The only ribs that do this intentionally (that I know of) have a much bigger hole, and holes at the front of the hull too. That way as the boat starts to lift onto the plane the hull cavity drains. People with those hulls often debate plugging the holes to improve performance.
When people complain about poor performance here they are often sent to check for water in the hull cavity meaning there is a massive weight there - so whilst your idea makes sense - its not going to help - especially if you want good "hole shot" for towing skiers.