25 January 2005, 15:57
Country: France
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3m RIB questions
Is it feasable to transport a 3m RIB upside down on the roof of a car for a short distance?
Also, what is the "average" weight of a 3m RIB?
I'm planning to collect a 3m RIB from the Isle of Wight on Saturday. Having done this before with another RIB I remember paying a small fortune for the extra length on the back of the car for the ferry for the trailer. My plan this time is to drive down from Norfolk with my trailer, leave it somewhere for a couple of hours while I go over on the ferry (£41 for a return!!!!) collect the boat on the roof of the car (or am I crazy) then get the ferry back (complete with boat on roof - will there be height issues?) then put it on the trailer back in Portsmouth and drive back to Norfolk.
Odviously the RIB doesn't have an engine on it........
Any advice greatfully received.....
25 January 2005, 15:59
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Leave the car at pompey with the trailer and take as hand luggage an engine or a pair of oars!
25 January 2005, 16:21
Country: France
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mmm. And then spend about £30 on petrol to get me from Bembridge back to the car in a very nasty sea with snow being blown into my face.........
25 January 2005, 16:26
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Originally Posted by Tim M
mmm. And then spend about £30 on petrol to get me from Bembridge back to the car in a very nasty sea with snow being blown into my face.........
I can tell your not a Solent ribber
25 January 2005, 16:33
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You could take a long rope and surreptitiously tow your rib behind the ferry  Des
25 January 2005, 16:50
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[QUOTE=Tim M] Is it feasable to transport a 3m RIB upside down on the roof of a car for a short distance?
(complete with boat on roof - will there be height issues?) then put it on the trailer back in Portsmouth and drive back to Norfolk.
friend had problem with roof box going to france and the height, had to take it off and drag it on and off  some of the above will depend on the car have you spoken the ferry company.Thats if it is possible with the weight.
Good luck
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25 January 2005, 17:12
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Originally Posted by Tim M
Is it feasable to transport a 3m RIB upside down on the roof of a car for a short distance?
I wouldn't call Portsmouth to Norfolk a short journey! Having had a 10ft dinghy fall off my roofrack two weeks ago I'd be inclined to suggest you bite the bullet and pay the extra to trailer it. 3.1m Avon Rover RIBs weigh just under 70kgs so you won't be lifting that up onto a roofrack by yourself. Having said that I guess if you deflate the tubes and use a couple of ratchet straps it would be feasible and Avon themselves do advertise the 3.1m boat as being suitable for car topping. Best of luck, old chap.
25 January 2005, 17:13
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Besides height issues most car roofs and roof rack systems have a maximum load weight, if you exceed this and have an accident not only will the police be pissed but your insurance may not pay out, i've carried canoes of all shapes and sizes on the roof of my car for years and been across the channel numerous times with no real problem, your supposed to say before hand your carrying extra height but we never bothered and just turned up with it on and normally ended up on the lorry deck ! though a canoe isn't a rib is it !
25 January 2005, 17:29
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For crying in a bucket ....... let the air out, sling it on the roof and take it on the ferry!! Sheesh, you guys can complicate simple matters
25 January 2005, 20:28
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As far as I know, there are no height restrictions on the IOW ferry...especially at this time of the year. As has been said throw it on the roof rack (if you can lift it up there its not going to be too heavy...I don't think!). Its only got to be there for an hour or so and you won't be driving any faster than 10mph (as long as you can leave the trailer near to the ferry in pompy).
Make sure some thieving scum bag pikey doesn't half inch your trailer!
My Parents have just bought my new shakey (5m ish) back on the ferry. £66 one way...and IOW residents get it cheaper!
25 January 2005, 21:19
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Me and my dad used to transport my 3m avon rib on the top of the car just let the air out the tubes and fold them underneath into the hull tigh it down.
hey presto
25 January 2005, 21:21
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As t'other tim said a 3M RIB can't weigh much and if two of you can lift it on then it should be OK. Also the IOW ferry isn't busy this time of year so there shouldn't be a height issue, I've done the trip with bikes on top of my shogun, so unless you drive a Monster Truck there will not be a height problem.
The only place I can think of to leave the trailer is the car park behind the Fun Fair, down by the hovercraft terminal. This time of year you should be able to get it by the railings and chain it up. Failing that I'm 10 miles North of Pompey up the A3, but you'd be welcome to leave it in my drive during the day.
25 January 2005, 23:49
Country: France
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mmm. Phil - I plan to put it on the trailer back in Portsmouth.....
I'll get a quote for the trailer as well tomorrow but I think it's going to be a lot more than I want to pay!
And, the boat isn't currently sea-worthy......
26 January 2005, 06:19
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This 3m rib wil be the one with holes in being sold by bembridge outboards then? Nice little project.
Try the Wightlink ferry at Lymington. I have been told that they are less strict when it comes to charging for a trailer than the pompy fishbourne ferry.
26 January 2005, 07:34
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We used to reguarly move a 310 avon rib inverted on the roof of a 110 landy no problem just needed two people min to get the hull up there.
Tip - remember to invert it before you put it on the car as you'll be amazed at the water / sand / other muck that hide in there.
26 January 2005, 08:30
Country: France
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Nasher; thanks for the offer. Might take you up on that if I can't find anywhere else a little nearer......
Slim; it is indeed that 3m RIB at Bembridge. With a bit of work I should have a nice little boat. I picked a 30hp engine up for £40 last month, so plan to put the two together.
I have just checked the prices for the ferry. A special offer price of £29.50 for the car, or £80.50 for the car and trailer. I'm going to go for the car option.......
The maximium allowed height is 2.25m so I should be OK.
Heres the groveling bit: Is there anyone with a yard/carpark in Portsmouth which I could park my trailer in for a couple of horus on Saturday afternoon?
26 January 2005, 10:18
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Im sure it'll be fine mate, just try to pick a non windy day, common sense I think mate - cant believe you got an outboard for £40!! bargain of the year?
26 January 2005, 10:23
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Tim, Nasher is on your route, but if he is not available, shout and you can use my front garden for the trailer. I am about 8 miles from the ferry.
26 January 2005, 16:50
Country: France
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After talking to my friends and family about this, they all think I'm mad; trying to put the RIB on the roof, then possibly having height issues with the ferry, and then having to get it off onto the trailer.......
Very reluctantly I'm going to pay the extra fifty quid (  ) and take the trailer with me. Admittidly this will make it a lot easier, and much quicker, but FIFTY quid for a trailer?!?!!?!?!?!!?
Thanks anyway to those who offered gardens and driveways for storage....
26 January 2005, 16:53
Country: France
Town: Côte d'Azur
Boat name: Beaver Patrol
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Posts: 5,934
ps. If I purchase a car only ticket, is there is good chance I can get accorss without anyone actually caring there is a trailer on the back? (I remember I went accross in the summer and the bloke didn't actually read our ticket.....)
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