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Old 10 January 2010, 02:51   #21
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Center console balance

The rib has finally arrived, working on the central console to rig steering wheel, basic gauges, as the engine is a manual trim. 2 tech issues : althought the center console is intended for middle (50/50) lateral space operation, the owner would like to be placed it 1/4 to the right tube to let a 3/4 corridor to the left for mates transit, question : if the prop tends to veer the sib to the right, with driver also sitting to the right, will it tend to veer more ? If so, would need a mate towards left or play with tail lower anode to compensate ? Or this is not that important.

As a safty issue, you cannot install gas tank and battery in same compartment, that is under driver seat, correct. In that case will need to make/buy a baterry case to secure it next to transom, as the electrical cables from the engine are a bit short to locate battery under central console compartment.

Happy Ribbing
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Old 10 January 2010, 07:36   #22
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
The rib has finally arrived, working on the central console to rig steering wheel, basic gauges, as the engine is a manual trim. 2 tech issues : althought the center console is intended for middle (50/50) lateral space operation, the owner would like to be placed it 1/4 to the right tube to let a 3/4 corridor to the left for mates transit, question : if the prop tends to veer the sib to the right, with driver also sitting to the right, will it tend to veer more ? If so, would need a mate towards left or play with tail lower anode to compensate ? Or this is not that important.

As a safty issue, you cannot install gas tank and battery in same compartment, that is under driver seat, correct. In that case will need to make/buy a baterry case to secure it next to transom, as the electrical cables from the engine are a bit short to locate battery under central console compartment.

Happy Ribbing

You could put a bulkhead in the console to separate the battery and fuel tank or put the battery in a box under the console.
Its easy enough to make up longer battery leads.

If the RIB leans to S'board then fit the console on the Port side.
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Old 11 January 2010, 08:34   #23
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
The rib has finally arrived, working on the central console to rig steering wheel, basic gauges, as the engine is a manual trim. 2 tech issues : althought the center console is intended for middle (50/50) lateral space operation, the owner would like to be placed it 1/4 to the right tube to let a 3/4 corridor to the left for mates transit, question : if the prop tends to veer the sib to the right, with driver also sitting to the right, will it tend to veer more ? If so, would need a mate towards left or play with tail lower anode to compensate ? Or this is not that important.

As a safty issue, you cannot install gas tank and battery in same compartment, that is under driver seat, correct. In that case will need to make/buy a baterry case to secure it next to transom, as the electrical cables from the engine are a bit short to locate battery under central console compartment.

Happy Ribbing
If you have a standard rotation engine the prop will make the boat lean to the left, so fitting the console on the right would balance it out, however it is a balancing act, and every hull and engine package is different!

Ask the factory what they recommend - they will have fitted the same combination as you have!

Agree with Chewy on the bulkhead thing ..........
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 11 January 2010, 08:57   #24
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Loco - pics of my 4m Rib with 50 Yam attached that may give you some ideas. The battery (in a box) & 25L tank are in the same console, with everything running under the deck from within the console. Throttle control runs into the console through a large grey rubber bellows/ grommit affair - as you can see- then back up at the stern - all neatly tucked our of harms way. The stern peice is actually an exhaust stub from a larger boat that has just the right angle and length , then topped with hypalon to stop water ingress if I flood the boat.

I'd suggest the mounting to the stb side is correct as at cruising speed this should balance the boat as Cookee has suggested.


Oh - you may want to consider the balance of the boat as mine is quite stern heavy - maybe the battery under the steering console & tank under the seat will allow more weight up front so giving better handing ? Just a thought .........
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Old 11 January 2010, 13:51   #25
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VSQ (Very Stupid Questions)

1-When turning drive wheel in central console to the right (Stb) must rib turn right also ?

2-Do you always have to install steering cable engine (end side) to the right stern bracket as looking the engine from behind ?

Thanks Blackroady, very nice rigging, was thinking installing all cables under deck, but's quite a job, will be done sideways using a rubber hose to pass all cables. Will place battery inside a case on middle transom deck, gas tank under driver seat.

My mission was only to import the rib and accesories, the owner is fitting it with his crew, nice to count with excellent and simple ideas on how to rig a rib properly. Will place some pics as works advances. Thanks all for your expertise.

Happy Ribbing
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Old 11 January 2010, 16:42   #26
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
1-When turning drive wheel in central console to the right (Stb) must rib turn right also ?
I like it that way.
Some may disagree and call me old-fashioned.
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Old 11 January 2010, 19:33   #27
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
1-When turning drive wheel in central console to the right (Stb) must rib turn right also ?
It doesn't have to but it does make things alot easier.
I hope the person who buys the RIB doesn't see this thread!
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Old 14 January 2010, 18:59   #28
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Originally Posted by chewy View Post
It doesn't have to but it does make things alot easier.
I hope the person who buys the RIB doesn't see this thread!
Well that was talk from the crew who is rigging the rib, so if it turns to the right the better, somebody said to place engine cable to left position as seen from back transom to make it turn right, don't worry, the future owner does noy know a thing about how a boat floats on water and much less about steering systems. Don't get me wrong, always like to collborate with buyers, but this time 0 rib rigging's the owners crew job.

Happy Ribbing
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