Originally Posted by Poly
With your trunks UP you still get water leaking back into the boat?
Pushed by your question I have tested trunks.
One of them has leak
In area marked by red circle there is a leak. Trunk was not good glued here so I can even insert here a pen.
I have few options now:
1. Seat and cry ...
2. Order new trunks
3. Glue this one
I'm focusing on option no 3 but have few questions:
A) I do have VINYCOL 1520 m2 (just arrived). It is can and small bottle.
I have not idea how to use them

B) do I have to make this hole bigger ? It is connection between to opposite part of PVC material. It is not damage but simple lack of glue in this area.
C) DO I need to use any solvent first (MEK ? Acetone )
It was main reason to water come back via this pipe.
Any advice "how to glue it" be welcome (answers for A,B,C questions)
Manual for HIGHFIELD boat states that the only one glue for VALMEX is Bostik 999 PVC glue. I can not find it on the internet (to buy it). Any advice where to buy be welcome.