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Old 24 February 2016, 18:24   #1
MatFromPoland's Avatar
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Boat name: T1
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Engine: EVINRUDE 115 HO
MMSI: 261026640
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Posts: 612
7 years for Evinrude outboards in US - Warranty

Starts from March 2015 Evinrude Offers 7-Year, Factory-Backed Warranty

The question is why EVINRUDE engines sold in US are better and more robust than these in EU I have only 5 for mine ETEC
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Old 24 February 2016, 19:00   #2
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that is not a standard offer, it is a special to generate sales. although i think you can get G2's with 7 years or 0% finance just now in USA, not sure about the rest of range or world offers.

it is not uncommon in USA for outboard makers to do something like this, although not normally to 7 years admittedly.

The reason for this (some research will back this up if you look/care) is Evinrude are miles behind the rest in sales and their shares dropping at a frightening rate last few years. couple that with the fact the G2 is silly money over there, like 6-8k more in the 200 plus range compared to suzuki. they are also trying to buy transoms according to their financial reports to try and compete with yamaha on new boat sales, that is a tough nut to crack for sure and mercury/suzuki have tried for many years and not quite got there. when you factor that in and confidence in their product it makes sense to offer more warranty than the rest as a selling point as they can't/won't compete on price.

they need to try something as their share value has halved in 1 year and the outlay on the G2 development substantial, need to recoup it somehow and fair play to them for trying it with a superb warranty offer and finance offers in the USA atleast.

anyone buying a G2 in EU i'm sure could haggle the 7 years.....worth a go for sure.

i hope that answers your question
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Old 24 February 2016, 19:18   #3
MatFromPoland's Avatar
Country: Poland
Boat name: T1
Length: 5m +
Engine: EVINRUDE 115 HO
MMSI: 261026640
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 612
In EU they have a problem cause of high value of USD I suppose.
If I buy 115 HO again now I have to pay 25% - 30% more
When I have bought mine it was discount action in EU - I was lucky.

Sorry to hear that shares go down. Hope they will survive somehow.
If I'm not mistaken Evinrude made by Evinrude was the first outboard.
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Old 24 February 2016, 19:37   #4
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everything you need to see is in here somewhere- Stock Quote | Bombardier Recreational Products Investor Relations Stock Information | BRP USA

you can find the reports on everything they make, shares, financial statements and the plans for fy16 onwards.

i don't think they will be going anywhere soon though as a company. they are no1 in world for snow mobiles and jetskis i think and no4 with outboards.

the actual % of market share is difficult to find but i've read between 5-8% of the outboard market in USA, to put that into perspective yamaha have circa 40%. it used to be more but suzuki have been really strong with repowers the last few years which are very popular over there due to wearing engines out....amazing what cheap fuel and weather can do!

if i was buying a G2 i would defo be asking for the 7 year warranty, they can only say no!
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