Originally Posted by willk
.. damn, it's like that Chinese Takeaway Moment, I know I shouldn't  but - he's kinda right. The richest folks I know are, almost to the last, tighter than a crab's ass, and that's watertight. That, is WHY most of them ARE rich. 
I can see why some people say that .. but I dont believe in the analogy as a rule, and I think if you buy a Ferrari and want to run it on chip fat or diesel, you have your priorities wrong, and either have more money than sense, or no sense at all, or at least no appreciation of what youve just spent your money on
which proves my point and gets back to the start of this thread ... your either in it for the sensation of having specced something for power or speed or performance, but then if you tried to run it like a cheap skate you've just fooked your own ideology by buying it in the first place.
I say take the money out of your pocket and set fire to it instead, that way you wont look like a tw@t when you order your Enzo, then ask the salesman if its got cup holders, takes a witter tow bar so you can tow Garfs 1974 'Shetlund' and complain that you cant fit 2 kids in the back