8.4 meter Avon with twin 225hp Honda's - How many hours?
As many of you will know my Ribtec was sold on during the back end of last year and I've been looking for a new bigger boat since then.
I was surprised to come across the above boat for a reasonable price but in need of a bit of TLC.
I was ready to put my hand in my pocket when my friend who I'm buying in partnership with, rang up the previous owner and was told the engine had 2500 - 3000 hrs on them, a considerable difference from the 1000 hours the vendor told me!!!
I don't want to name the vendor and I cannot say with 100% confidence that the 2500-3000hrs is correct but if you in the market for such a boat, just be careful.
Most dealers will happily give you some historical infomration on any outboard so I'd urge you to check the background before your put your money down.