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Old 01 August 2011, 08:05   #1
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A couple of SR4 questions


I recently bought a Searider SR4 this one:

I've had a couple of trips out and from Mylor just messing about in the Fal and fishing. Ive got couple of questions. I noticed on the last trip a hissing noise coming from the bow area and thought I might of had an air leak but the the tube has stayed up ok. I think it might have been air releasing out of the hole in the bow as water came in to the flooding section from the rear? Dose this sound likely?

I'm after some oar/paddle holders to glue to tubes the one I saw on Saturday were on a 5.4 Searider one was a patch with a T of webbing for the blade end the other was just a loop for the handle end. Any one know where I could get some? I should of got some pictures.

When I get the boat up to about 30 knots it has a tendency to rock form side to side which I think is refered to a chine walking? If I back off it settles back down and I can increase speed again. Is there any thing I can do about it set up wise? The motor I've got dosen't have power trim.

I'm really enjoying the boat and learning some thing new every time I take it out


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Old 01 August 2011, 09:11   #2
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Your bow hissing - does it only happen immediately after you come off the plane, and last about 30 seconds or so? If so, it's likely the air escape, although it usually sounds more more of a bubbling gurgle.

That sounds like chine walk. With 50 on the back of one of them it sounds like you have an almost perfect set -up engine. Do you have a tacho? It would be interesting to see what RPM you are making flat out, as it may have been propped for half a dozen heavy dive cylinders & accompanying divers, and is now revving way too freely. My humber was like that when I first got it. Simple temporary solution - throttle back a bit!

Might be worth having a play with the trim pin & see what happens. Remember if you are changing it either do what I did when I was messing with mine & get a bit of string long enough to tie it to the steering cable & still be able to extract it but short enough to go nowhere near the prop in case you drop it or only adjust it on a beach where you can reach the bottom!
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Old 01 August 2011, 12:02   #3
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I get a huge hissing noise too, especially when launching backwards off the trailer, from the flooding tank. I think if it was the tubes making that noise you'd probably see them go flat pretty quickly.

I get chinewalk too, but quite enjoy it to be honest!

It might be worth asking a professional to stick the rollocks/gates/oar clamps on. The tubes shouls be flattened and the attatchments clamped on to get a good stick from the glue really, and you need quite a good hold if you're going to be rowing on them.

Keep a little eye out for cracks by the transom braces which can appear if you thrash it hard. Quite easy to fix/get fixed though.

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Old 01 August 2011, 14:55   #4
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Originally Posted by CornishRoss View Post
I'm after some oar/paddle holders to glue to tubes the one I saw on Saturday were on a 5.4 Searider one was a patch with a T of webbing for the blade end the other was just a loop for the handle end. Any one know where I could get some? I should of got some pictures.
if they are "off the shelf" then someone like inflatable boat supplies will have it in their catalogue. If they are more unusual you might want to talk to Paul Tilley or Christopher on here (Tidel and Henshaws tubes respectively) about getting something made.
When I get the boat up to about 30 knots it has a tendency to rock form side to side which I think is refered to a chine walking? If I back off it settles back down and I can increase speed again. Is there any thing I can do about it set up wise? The motor I've got dosen't have power trim.
Yes that sounds like Chine walking. Lots of posts on here re chine walking - so an evening with the search tool might give you some things to try. Have you tried adjusting the "trim position" manually (move the pin) - it may help but then might give you other issues! You might also be able to help by ensuring the weight is spread around the boat evenly) but at the end of the day when the SR4 was created 30 knots was probably as fast as most people would have wanted to go in a small "inflatable".
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Old 01 August 2011, 15:17   #5
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Originally Posted by CornishRoss View Post
I'm after some oar/paddle holders to glue to tubes the one I saw on Saturday were on a 5.4 Searider one was a patch with a T of webbing for the blade end the other was just a loop for the handle end. Any one know where I could get some?
Probably easiest to custom make them (yourself, I mean.) Hypalon, cut to the correct shape and glued on (put the paddle in place and mark the join areas to get it set up right - and don't make them too tight.) Handle end can be simply a strip, glued to the tube at the center, with a bit of velcro on each end to secure the paddle shaft.

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Old 01 August 2011, 16:48   #6
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It's chinewalk. Get some weight in the bow-I used to find mine chinewalked far less with a full 30L hulk tank in front of the console.
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Old 01 August 2011, 18:55   #7
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Thanks for the advice.

I'll try putting the fuel tank up in the bow and then if that dosnt do the trick I'll trim the motor in a notch.

I had a look on inflatable boat supplies and can't fine exactly what I'm after. Next time in out not the boat I'll try to get a picture of the oar holders and see if I could make some up.

Thanks again.
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