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Old 16 August 2003, 10:19   #1
Country: UK - England
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Make: avon a400
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 36
a frame

sorry for asking a silly question but are new to boating so here gose what is the point in having an a frame at the back of the boat is it for a self right perpose or just to put your lights and on or something else is it for big ribs or do small one have them as well
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Old 16 August 2003, 10:26   #2
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Posts: 199
Re: a frame

Originally posted by ollie
sorry for asking a silly question but are new to boating so here gose what is the point in having an a frame at the back of the boat is it for a self right perpose or just to put your lights and on or something else is it for big ribs or do small one have them as well
All sir,
Some have them just for aesthetic reasons cuz it looks pretty. Boat most boats it is for nav lights and vhf ariel and radar reflectors. The bigger ribs might have Radar on it as well. And then serious offshore ribs have A-frames with self-righting gear, but the whole structure would change quite dramatically cuz it has to turn the boat over from that point so it would need to be much stronger than just supporting a few lights etc

On a small rib you dont need one as such. But IMHO they look nice and useful.

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