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Old 11 October 2003, 07:03   #1
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A frame yes or no?

I am eagerly awaiting a call to tell me my first boat a 5m Humber Assault with a 60 hp Yamha 4 stroke is ready for collection. I intend to use the boat for general coastal / inshore cruising, diving and fishing. My original intention was to buy myself a handheld GPS and VHF. When I spec'd the boat I didn't think I needed an A frame as I had no intention or need to fit lights or an antennae for the electronics. Having read about the DSC system I am now completey unsure of how to kit myself out for electronics ( I've read the past thread ) one thing that does seem apparent though is that most DSC units need an ariel, I have only found one handheld and that costs a fortune and still needs to be connected to a seperate GPS via data cables.
My question really is would the experienced ribsters have an A frame fitted in my situation and what are the advantages/ disadvantages apart from ariel mounting. If I dont get it factory fitted I can always order one after and fit it myself, how difficult is this? any suggestions on an electronic set up for GPS/VHF also welcome bearing in mind space is very limited on the console and I'm already licking my financial wounds.
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Old 11 October 2003, 07:22   #2
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IMHO I would fit an A frame and I would fit nav lights as you are likely to limit your range without them! Even if you do not intend to go out in foggy conditions or at night, you never know when you might be thrown into a situation where you need them. I hope you never do get caught out but you have to accept it's a possibility.

We have both fixed & handheld VHF as it's a primary tool for signalling in case of distress.

Hope this helps!
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Old 11 October 2003, 10:06   #3
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On my A frame besides what Louise says i carry a fender and a dry box with my flares & tool box in , all out of the way of the deck
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Old 11 October 2003, 10:23   #4
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1) Lights are a legal requirement.

2) What else can you lean against when having a pee and the
sea is bumpy?

3) A handheld radio has a very limited range.
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Old 11 October 2003, 12:52   #5
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I had the same thoughts as you just over a year ago when planning out my new Humber rib.

At the time, I knew I wanted one for nav lights, and perhaps one aerial, but then came thoughts on things like solas requirements on radar reflectors etc... and other electronic gizmos that could use the frame.

In the end, I went for the double unit (more cost ) which has a bit more strength than the standard single a-frame - I have to say I'm glad I did this, since I now have 2 aerials on the top, as well as a firdell blipper radar reflector as high up as possible.
Also, this a-frame is massive, and has lots of potential for extras like life rings, epirb unit etc... all out of the way of the main deck space, and relatively dry up there too....

If you went for the single a-frame unit, you could get away with a single small antenna on a fixed dsc unit easy enough since a lot of manufacturers combine the two together now (I went for separate icom units, 503, and DS-100). Slightly over the top I know, but I went for the longest aerials I could afford at the time, and knowing some other local ribs have identical ones on board, they seemed like a good investment - they also look pretty good too on each side of the a-frame

Weather here's a bit iffy today so I may only get out for an hr to do some prop tests later on, but if you're around next Saturday morning, you'd be more than welcome to come down and see my setup. I'll pm you some times later on, since I'm restricted by tides on the lock in Milford at the mo.

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Old 11 October 2003, 14:13   #6
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Just about the GPS, I got myself the garmin 126 fixed gps, the good thing about this unit is it has its own built in antena, perfect for rib use, and no probs with cables, its the same unit as the 128 which has an antena.

Nick in cheshire.
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Old 12 October 2003, 23:03   #7
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Thanks for the replies, I've opted for the A-frame to be fitted and will look at the lighting / GPS / VHF next, I like the look of the Garmin 126 recommended by nickjaxe. The main thing that swung the decision however was being prompted by jwalker to remember the times I've spent hanging off an A frame trying to pee and keep the pee out of the neck seal of my drysuit. I think attempting this manouvre without the frame was bound to end in tears
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Old 13 October 2003, 07:20   #8
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Originally posted by woot remember the times I've spent hanging off an A frame trying to pee and keep the pee out of the neck seal of my drysuit.
I am seriously impressed by this man !!
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Old 13 October 2003, 07:32   #9
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Hello woot!

I have just ordered a new Humber Assault 5.0m. Now I have been thinking what would be the most suitable outboard for the boat. It would be nice to hear your experiences about 60 hp ob.
I'm thinking 50-60 hp 4 stoke Merc or 50 hp Honda.

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