Me again
Yesterday I was surfing the net and ringing around to try and find out details of the slipway at John O'Groats. I have a picture of the slip with that BIG jet boat rib, and now (most usefull boating site on the net - along with RibNet of course) has the facility for pictures to be displayed I thought I would send details off to Geoff Campbell along with the picture.
So I eventualy find that the slip/harbour belong to Caithness Council. I ring their 'service point' at Wick and explain to the lady who I want to speak to. 'Oh, you need the Roads and Transport Department', she says, 'I know just who you need to speak to'. She asks me to hold on whilst she 'puts me through'.
'Roads and Transport Department', the voice says. I explain that I am after details of the slipway etc. I must admit that I was expecting this to be rather hard work. Well, a very pleasant gentleman named Ian Moncrief answered the 'phone. He answers all of the questions I need for the boatlaunch details and more. It turns out that Ian is a local boat owner (not a rib, but hey, nobody's perfect). Ian went on to tell me of a couple of other launch sites that he thinks are even better and that he uses himself. He even asked me to give him a call when I am up next time with the boat!
Well done Ian
, and thanks. So now you know why Caithness will be represented at long last on
Keith Hart