Hey everyone, first post here. I've been reading for a while and have gotten lots of great info off this site, many thanks there. Seeing all of the awesome SR4s on here made it easy for me to pull the trigger on buying a 2002 SR4 that came up online. It's a long overdue replacement to an old Avon Super Sport 4m I had.
Naturally it's 11 years old and has a few dings here and there. I took some pics of the rough parts and would appreciate any comments and tips you'd be willing to share about cleaning it up.
Here it is:

Pretty clean and holds air, what more could you ask for...

Rub guard pealing off here and several other spots. I was planning on just cleaning and gluing back on.

Old patches, cruddy glue on the bottom of the Starboard tube. All looks fairly solid, but the edges of the round patches are just starting to come up. It is worth pealing them and putting new ones down, or possibly putting a larger protective piece over the area?

More old cruddy glue and rub guard, starboard tube

Thin Spots on the strip connecting the tube to the hull. I considered either patching over for chafe protection or filling/painting the holes with the liquid rubber stuff and maybe a patch over that. What do you think? Necessary? Overkill?

Here we have more chafe marks on the connecting strip of fabric, a bunch of little dings in the gel coat (not too concerned, but if its easy to clean up I'm interested), there a several chunks out of the gel coat that show fiberglass. I want to fix and seal these up. I've never done gel coat but I'm familiar with filling and faring with epoxy. Thoughts? What would you do?

Lots of missing gel coat down the bow.

Another random chunk of gel coat missing

Chafe under the bow, I was thinking of just adding a layer for chafe protection.

A small crack around the flooding hull drain hole. I was thinking about grinding the crack open a little and filling it with epoxy.

Hairline crack around the elephant trunk drain.

Small crack around the starboard transom support bar pad. Grind and fill? Leave alone?

Wear marks from the fuel tank.

About 2/3 forward, starboard side just under the tube, looks like something hard smashed into it.
Thanks for taking the time to check out these pics and for any help you can send my way.