05 March 2011, 17:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
Boat name: Puffling
Make: Avon Rover 3.4m
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Posts: 404
A personal experience..
Last year i needed a 60hp outboard.. I ordered from this guy a 2004 model in excellent condition..
Well yes there is all the whole it is another country but thought would give it a go..
Yes they are a genuine company yes the engine arrived just like the picture...
I ran it up and it fired seemed ok on the driveway. So far so good..
Fitted it to the boat and went for a spin.. well I say spin more like a splutter and drift.
So didn't go anywhere fast. took it to a mechanic and gave me the low down.
Total bill to fix woudl be £1200.. plus the initial price of £2100.. Thanks a bunch..
The decals are from the 4 stroke range, the yamaha dealer I took it to said it was the best respray he had ever done. After some digging on the engine he found the actual age of the aengine was 1995 not 2005!
The inside of the cylinders were scored and damaged. The thermostat housing was damaged and not repaired correctly.
All I can say is don't do it.. pay the extra £1000 and buy in this country!!
I think he buys old engines does them up and sells them on.. nothing wrong with that unless they don't work!!
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
05 March 2011, 17:19
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If it sounds too good to be true................
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
05 March 2011, 17:51
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If I cant see it, touch it, and watch it running, then I 'aint buyin it !
Seem to be far too many B&O rip of stories going about for my liking,
has anybody ever had a good storey from B&O or am I just hearing about the unfortunate few ?
05 March 2011, 17:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
Boat name: Puffling
Make: Avon Rover 3.4m
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 15hp
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 404
Saw it running supposedly..
Watched a video of it running...
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
05 March 2011, 18:11
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by sarahscottiedog
has anybody ever had a good storey from B&O or am I just hearing about the unfortunate few ?
Yes, I purchased an o/b for my SIB from a very nice bloke in Wales through B&O.
05 March 2011, 18:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
Boat name: Puffling
Make: Avon Rover 3.4m
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 15hp
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 404
I know seems silly..
Well I know seems crazy to even contemplate doing this but thought would have a go as UK 2 strokes so hard to find and months later still only seen 2 for sale since then!
Still cheaper than mooring fees for 8.4m RIB I used to have anyway..
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
05 March 2011, 18:32
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Originally Posted by badbaws
Watched a video of it running...
Yes, he sent me one of those...
05 March 2011, 18:34
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Originally Posted by sarahscottiedog
If I cant see it, touch it, and watch it running, then I 'aint buyin it !
Seem to be far too many B&O rip of stories going about for my liking,
has anybody ever had a good storey from B&O or am I just hearing about the unfortunate few ?
Got my previous boat from B+O and sold a SIB on B+O all with no problems what so ever. I think you just have to be very aware and as you say, i too would want to see, touch it and also try it.
05 March 2011, 20:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
Boat name: Puffling
Make: Avon Rover 3.4m
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 15hp
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 404
good experience
I have bought 2 other engines off B&O a 30 & 40HP both without seeing and both both fine
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
06 March 2011, 10:29
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Originally Posted by badbaws
Last year i needed a 60hp outboard.. I ordered from this guy a 2004 model in excellent condition..
Yes they are a genuine company yes the engine arrived just like the picture...
After some digging on the engine he found the actual age of the aengine was 1995 not 2005!
Hi. If they are still operational, why not give them a hard time(maybe You have already?). The 10 years discrepancy in the age is fraud. If they are only "semi crooks" that still want to continue business, they might care. Claim to them directly, and also to credit card company(or pay pal) if you used any. Even if they are in Lithuania, case is not totally lost but difficult it will be. Good luck
Generally speaking a lot of good people in Baltic area, but there have been a relative short transition time adapting to western style of doing business. Right and wrong is more diffuse than we are used to. Things can go wrong in any business regarding used items but personally I would not dare to buy any items from there(without a personal known contact and clear documentation about the engines history)
Both my SIB(B+O) and RIB(RIB net) was purchased without seeing from UK, maybe stupid, lucky or both but everything was as should have been, so nothing to complain abut that way of buying things(so far). In both cases a lot of communication included and for the RIB help from RIBnet kind members(thanks again). So far bigger issue for me has been that not so many want to sell items with cash transfer in advance, most prefer cash in hand.
Would it be possible for administrator to add MotoX to the topic of this thread, maybe saving a few other boaters from same experience?
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
06 March 2011, 15:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Dartmouth
Boat name: Puffling
Make: Avon Rover 3.4m
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 15hp
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 404
I think in total I sent 48 emails and needless to say got no where..
He basically said i was lying and the engine was fine when left his workshop as he had a video of it being fine...
Also he then said my mechanic was lying as just wanted to make some money..
Also because I bought the engine, ran it up on a stand, went on holiday came back fitted to the boat and then had the problem ebay paypal said it was too long and could not raise a dispute..
So after I phoned and he hung up on me what else can you do..
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
06 March 2011, 18:24
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hello, peoples.. Sad to read your posts badbaws... i'm from Lithuania, and this company is in my town! I find nothing surprising.. just once been there, to see the engines, and that was the last time... The engines stays there for a long time. And how you posted, the real age of outboard is falsificated, but to prove it is dificult, becouse all engines have "registration documents". And bla bla... so i can just ignore this shop, and dont recomend it for anyone... Besides, i know one man ho owns an 30hp yamaha, from motoX, and runs more than five years now. To buy used engine, without seeing it - not a good idea. Dont know does somebody can help you...
For me, the engine in the added video, is way making to many smoke...
P.s. sorry for my poor english
06 March 2011, 18:27
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Sorry you bought a duffer but that engine doesn't look right, I'm probably wrong but I've only seen red decals on 2 strokes and blue on 4 strokes.
07 March 2011, 21:59
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ErikaZ
hello, peoples.. Sad to read your posts badbaws... i'm from Lithuania, and this company is in my town! I find nothing surprising.. just once been there, to see the engines, and that was the last time... The engines stays there for a long time. And how you posted, the real age of outboard is falsificated, but to prove it is dificult, becouse all engines have "registration documents". And bla bla... so i can just ignore this shop, and dont recomend it for anyone... Besides, i know one man ho owns an 30hp yamaha, from motoX, and runs more than five years now. To buy used engine, without seeing it - not a good idea. Dont know does somebody can help you...
For me, the engine in the added video, is way making to many smoke...
P.s. sorry for my poor english 
Cheers for the heads up
07 March 2011, 22:23
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Originally Posted by badbaws
The decals are from the 4 stroke range, the yamaha dealer I took it to said it was the best respray he had ever done. After some digging on the engine he found the actual age of the aengine was 1995 not 2005!
All the youtube videos from 30hp through to 90hp are in later 4-stroke decals and look mint. The paintwork looks fantastic, and I can see why you were taken in. I know it was possible (until recently) to ship in new 2-stroke Yammies from the States, but it had to be for commercial use, etc.
08 May 2011, 16:31
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1
Originally Posted by badbaws
I think in total I sent 48 emails and needless to say got no where..
He basically said i was lying and the engine was fine when left his workshop as he had a video of it being fine...
Also he then said my mechanic was lying as just wanted to make some money..
Also because I bought the engine, ran it up on a stand, went on holiday came back fitted to the boat and then had the problem ebay paypal said it was too long and could not raise a dispute..
So after I phoned and he hung up on me what else can you do..
Hi, I've recently bought an outboard engine from Motox.lt (2-stroke YAMAHA 50HP). I was really happy about the service, as the guys gave me some technical tips, etc...The outboard was packaged up nicely, as described. However, the engine was a bit older than from what I was told, but I haven't had any problems with it so far, as the motor seems to work smoothly.
I've seen these posts before I've got in touch with them, I mentioned the Badbaws's story to them and from what I was told he was offered a full refund for his outboard, but he still kept it and then got ripped off by his mechanic probably for no reason..., so that's a bit weird.
I thought I'll share my experience with you guys, as one person's opinion won't necessarily give you the overall feedback about the company.
08 May 2011, 16:37
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by futurama
.....However, the engine was a bit older than from what I was told,....
I've seen these posts before I've got in touch with them, ......so that's a bit weird.
I thought I'll share my experience with you guys, as one person's opinion won't necessarily give you the overall feedback about the company.
Let's see now, you were warned about them, but they said they were good guys and they LIED to you and RIPPED you off with an older motor.
And in this, your first post, you say we shouldn't judge them as all bad. Mate, they're a pack of thieves and swindlers.
And you need your head looked at
08 May 2011, 16:43
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by willk
they're a pack of thieves and swindlers.
08 May 2011, 16:58
Country: Finland
Town: Helsinki
Boat name: SR 5.4
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Toh1 3,5 Yam 90/2S
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 919
Originally Posted by futurama
he was offered a full refund for his outboard, but he still kept it
Yes, right..... everybody here would decline such an offer and keep the lemon....very realistic story?
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
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