I would like to produce for all Ribnet users, a list of as many relevant webcams as I can.
John would then put it up on the website in a manner which anyone can access the data.
The purpose would be to offer all users a “real-time” view of the place you were thinking of going to today/near future. This would give you some idea of the local conditions.
Not unnaturally, it is you who are likely to have the necessary data to hand, I would ask for your assistance.
I have done some research and have come up with a list, so far, of only 20 such sites.
Many that I have looked at require you to pay, are not working anymore, are not “live” or suffer from some other affliction that makes them useless from our point of view.
Could I ask that anyone who has a viable webcam link to the marine (could even be just a slipway) scene to e-mail me please at:
and I will incorporate it into what I hope to be a useful source of info for all of us and organise the list by area, in geographic sequence.
I thank you in advance.