08 June 2007, 16:24
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 70
MMSI: 235057234
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 385
A Security Challenge
To raise security awareness and maybe start a bit off fun i thought that i would boast my security measures and use them for a bench mark to expose other peoples shortfalls and who knows for somebody to beat? if you can?
As follows:
2x high security wheel clamps one for each wheel.
1x locking bull hitch.
1x ground anchor.
2x high security chains ( locked to the leg of each outboard from the ground anchor)
1x alarmed cable and padlock locked around the trailer, anchor and engines.
And just in case somebody is creeping around in the middle of the night trying to do a sneaky to nick anything else thats not locked down or alarmed:
2x staffie bull terriers
1x bull mastiff
one heavy duty bat in case the lion isn't hungry (the mastiff)
08 June 2007, 17:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Scillies
Boat name: Freedom
Make: Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 2st 90
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 335
I've got that beat.
Absolutely zip security measures cos you don't need them down here. You can still leave your key in the ignition while moored, go off for a few hours and AMAZING your boat is where you left it!
Seriously it's a good challenge to get people to think about security cos I would fall flat on my face on the mainland.
Hope all your measures work.
08 June 2007, 17:09
Country: UK - England
Make: extreme 24
Length: 7m +
Engine: merc 6.2 320hp
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 711
very tight cover,battery switch off/sometimes on can never remember,keys taken out the ignition,lots of over and under knots on the pontoon cleats  have to say tim,i dont think your boats going anywhere
08 June 2007, 17:23
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
Boat name: INDE
Make: LOMAC 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 Merc.
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Posts: 1,688
Jeeees, If I had to do all that I would not own a boat. What sort of area do you live in ? Having said that, my large Labrador with very sensitive hearing does make me feel more secure as does the shotgun next to the door. Also, just to make a point, the bad guys know that there is a 50% chance that any homeowner has a firearm at hand when the dog starts barking.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
08 June 2007, 18:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Tring
Boat name: Braveheart
Make: Porters Renegade
Length: 6m +
Engine: Tohatsu 140
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 305
We've gone for a more unorthodox method.
1) live on a very narrow road;
2) make sure your gate posts are really narrow;
3) ensure that your stupid neighbour always parks their car at the end of our drive (oh yeah - that would be every day);
4) then try and watch anybody try and get the trailer out. If they can - they can have the boat ;o)
08 June 2007, 18:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 70
MMSI: 235057234
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 385
The area i live in is allright, its just all the pikeys and thiefing b------s that drive past that might mark the boat as a opportunity for a free gift at my expense, i have allready had a car nicked earlier in the year and i don't intend to be a victim of crime again. The dogs off coarse are family pets but having them bark when somebody is sneaking around at the front is a real bonus
08 June 2007, 18:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 70
MMSI: 235057234
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 385
Nice one sarah, yer i would think that your average thieving ball head opportunist would find it to hard to steer something through a narrow gap, but beware off the more professional characters.
08 June 2007, 18:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 70
MMSI: 235057234
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 385
Limey linda, unfortunatley in this country people that try to protect thier own property and act against thief's and scumbags are dealt with more seriously than the criminals them selfs
09 June 2007, 06:04
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Rutland
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Posts: 2,500
Keep it in an industrial unit with redcare and security response + dog patrol.
Doors locked and main door left with 7 ton fork truck in the way forks on door and big anti ram bars on the outside
wheel clamp and hitch lock for the insurance
09 June 2007, 10:24
Country: USA
Town: barrington nh
Make: HBI
Length: 5m +
Engine: evinrude 115 hp
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 102
Hell if a squirrel trespasses 20 peacocks. 30 guinea hens. 2 donkeys.2 german sherpards sound the alarm,if the racket does not discourage you, a sign at the beginning of my drive way "If you can read this your in range" Lock and key might be cheaper after i think about and easier to get a nights sleep too
10 June 2007, 18:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by 603doug
"If you can read this your in range"
Reminds me of a sign I say in upsate New York once. It said "Intruders will be shot. Survivors will be shot again!"
10 June 2007, 18:42
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
Boat name: INDE
Make: LOMAC 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 Merc.
MMSI: Please press 1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,688
The sign at the end of my driveway says " Protected by Smith and Wesson"
By the way: they best "guard" you can get is a goose.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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