21 February 2010, 15:17
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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A trip to St. Kilda ??
Ok. I have tried reaching a few people on here without much luck, so I'll try this Forum proper.
I plan a trip out to St. Kilda (Hirta) later this year. I will be coming up from the Isle of Man and probably refueling at Mallaig. From there, what is the best way to get thru the Outer Hebrides island chain?
Is it the Leverburgh Channel to the south of Harris?
Is it possible to go thru “the causeway” at Otternish?
Should I head south again and go round (N or S of) Barra?
Or is there a better way?
21 February 2010, 15:39
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Brian
Ok. I have tried reaching a few people on here without much luck, so I'll try this Forum proper.
I plan a trip out to St. Kilda (Hirta) later this year. I will be coming up from the Isle of Man and probably refueling at Mallaig. From there, what is the best way to get thru the Outer Hebrides island chain?
Is it the Leverburgh Channel to the south of Harris?
Is it possible to go thru “the causeway” at Otternish?
Should I head south again and go round (N or S of) Barra?
Or is there a better way?
There are a group of us heading out this year at some point during the summer, you are welcome to tag along (5 ribs presently), however we intend staying on the islands for a spot of diving, so will not be returning the same day. We intend leaving from Uig and heading our between the islands. That's quite a distance you've got planned there? were are you planning to overnight..
21 February 2010, 15:56
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It is not possibly to pass through the causeway at Otternish.
There is a bouyed channel to the North of Berneray, this is ocaasionally used the Elektron, the supply vessel for St Kilda.
21 February 2010, 16:00
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
Thanks for that.
Well, there are several ways aren't there?
My rough plan is to go:
Coll (to overnight)
Mallaig (to refuel)
Ronay (to overnight again, leaving early in the morning)
Or ? via Port Ellen on Islay and then Barra? But Fuel and distance??
Your leaving from Uig. You must need to go thru the islands as well?
Which way will you go?
21 February 2010, 16:09
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There you are Brian what a better way to go to St Kilda with the trail-blazzing clydeside rebels!!  
Ian enjoy and remember to take plenty of photos. Hope to catch up soon.
All the best to all

ps Brian I see tarbh answered your post.
'Carpe Diem'
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21 February 2010, 18:09
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Hi Brian, we have been to St-Kilda a couple of times and because we're based on the isle of Lewis we left from Leverburgh. So far as i know, most of Uist is inter-connected by causways that arent made to allow for boats to pass under. i.e. Berneray is connected to north uist, which in turn has a causway to benbecula,south uist and then eriskay. So your best options are between Barra and Eriskay, or the sound of Harris. (leverburgh way) One advantage of Leverburgh is there is a council run Diesel dispenser on the pier so you could top up with fuel on the way out or back and its 50nm straight out to St-Kilda from there. Its an INCREDIBLE place, and a must visit destination!
I've included a pic from our trip (2005) taken at the pier at Leverburgh.
Hope this helps
21 February 2010, 19:10
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IBWET I'd be interested in taking another boat out to St kilda if you dont mind another hanger on with four keen divers aboard.
21 February 2010, 20:11
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
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Posts: 2,511
Thanks Robbie.
Very interested in the diesel dispenser at Leverbugh.
Could save me going into Mallaig.
21 February 2010, 20:14
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Brian, I replied to your email, it seems you mustn't have got it so I'll post it here.
I also sent you information about getting diesel fuel which I don't want to post here. Email me again if you would like it.
The causeway has blocked off access completely,
there is a pipe tunnel to allow fish and seals through but
it's not boat sized. I guess from the Isle of Man it depends
on weather conditions what you do. If westerlies are blowing
then you'll have shelter staying in the minch and travelling
through the Sound of Harris, best through the Cope Passage,
it's well buoyed and there is a fairway buoy at its
entrance in the minch north of Lochmaddy. Don't stray out
though and don't pass the wrongside of the buoys, even close by :o).
Exiting from there for
St Kilda you can leave by 3 ways, between Pabay and Toe
Head, between Pabay and Boreray and between Boreray and
Udal. If there's big swell give the Pabay - Boreray a miss
because there's breaking waves there - can be big n scary,
even looking at em from the land!
21 February 2010, 20:18
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Brian
Thanks Robbie.
Very interested in the diesel dispenser at Leverbugh.
Could save me going into Mallaig.
The council run diesel fuel is not for sale privately and a condition of holding an account is that the account holder does not sell on the fuel so I wouldn't be relying on it.
I might mention something else, many miles out between the Sound of Harris and St Kilda, the exact position I didn't take, there is a fishing patch where large buoys are floating a long distance apart from each other. Take care, they can be joined by floating rope.
22 February 2010, 07:19
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ayrshire
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Make: Ribcraft
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Posts: 654
Originally Posted by Brian
Thanks for that.
Well, there are several ways aren't there?
My rough plan is to go:
Coll (to overnight)
Mallaig (to refuel)
Ronay (to overnight again, leaving early in the morning)
Or ? via Port Ellen on Islay and then Barra? But Fuel and distance??
Your leaving from Uig. You must need to go thru the islands as well?
Which way will you go?
Straight out to Berneray, a little tricky but can be done we will assess weather, then straight out to the island 52miles from this point. Then hope the plotters don't stop and we all end up in Greenland
22 February 2010, 07:24
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ayrshire
Boat name: Raven
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 suzuki
MMSI: 235040525
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 654
Originally Posted by Scottish diver
IBWET I'd be interested in taking another boat out to St kilda if you dont mind another hanger on with four keen divers aboard.
Scottish Diver
Thats Fine, I'll PM when we get our act together re a date. I'll try to give as much warning as pos.
Everyone else
St Kilda is being featured on Sky at the moment on Sky, it was last night at 8.00 and again next week sorry can't remember the channel...kate humble and some others. Hopefuly someone will know.
22 February 2010, 19:01
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we may be interested in this depending on date and weather, a few dives would be good as well!
22 February 2010, 20:45
Country: UK - England
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I noticed this article the other day, maybe of interest :-
22 February 2010, 23:01
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 134
do you have to get in touch with anyone in particular to go to st kilda or can you just turn up unannounced?
22 February 2010, 23:03
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There's a company called Seatrek which makes the trip to St Kilda (weather permitting). They normally look for at least a 3-day window before making the crossing. They operate out of Uig (Loch Roag), in Lewis. Would be worth speaking to Murray (owner/skipper) if you need more information. http://www.seatrek.co.uk/
22 February 2010, 23:58
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Originally Posted by Heart-trouble
do you have to get in touch with anyone in particular to go to st kilda or can you just turn up unannounced?
You're supposed to get landing permission from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). They send you a permission granted letter and they inform the wardens of your date for arrival. I've done this twice but the other time I just turned up and had no problem. One trip was during the foot and mouth outbreak and this was insisted upon as was carrying disinfectant for footwear before being allowed ashore so it's not entirely uncontrolled access. The wardens will be seriously miffed if you land and nip off without registering your arrival.
23 February 2010, 06:26
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Originally Posted by jwalker
You're supposed to get landing permission from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). They send you a permission granted letter and they inform the wardens of your date for arrival. I've done this twice but the other time I just turned up and had no problem. One trip was during the foot and mouth outbreak and this was insisted upon as was carrying disinfectant for footwear before being allowed ashore so it's not entirely uncontrolled access. The wardens will be seriously miffed if you land and nip off without registering your arrival.
JW - do you mean SNH - rather than NTS? http://www.kilda.org.uk/frame8.htm
23 February 2010, 12:02
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Originally Posted by Scottish diver
IBWET I'd be interested in taking another boat out to St kilda if you dont mind another hanger on with four keen divers aboard.
Me too! If you are willing to let me tag along I would like to take my boat and a couple of keen divers.
23 February 2010, 16:15
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Well it used to be NTS but I was under the impression it's now SNH.
Now appears to be managed by all three with overlapping roles. Will check it out.
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