Just wanted to put on record and as well as ask if this is normal, but a used AB Lammina 10Al I bought seems to have a paper thin fabric.
I've had 310 BoatUS rib, and other PVC boats(Saturn, Mercury sibs) and those fabrics are at least 1.5 times thicker IMO than this fabric. I knew it had leaks in all chambers, but though it was a quick fix (and only paying $450 for it seemed like a good deal). Now, I noticed that the leaks were coming just from surface scratches where the white reinforcement fabric is showing!

I'm thinking, "What?". Shouldn't it have another layer of rubber underneath it?! Well, apparently not.
When the tube is inflated, it feels a medicine ball. I don't think I can have a lot of more confidence in this fabric than I do in those vinyl "inflatable boat mattresses" that sell for $150. It is not ok when a surface scratch on inflatable is a cause for concern. And these shallow surface nicks and scratches can apparently cause leaks.
So, my guess is either all of the 10ft and small AB Lammina models are made with that type of fabric or this particular batch of Lammina got cheated and the second layer was not glued on. It does not look like it was retubed.
I'm going to patch and reinforce those spots, but seriously not happy with the durability of these tubes. I only paid few hundred for it, so perhaps retubing it myself with some decent set of tubes from some SIB may be an option. I feel like I overpaid now, given that it has no title and I would have to come up with MCO.
Anyone's experience with this line of AB Lammina ribs or AB ribs in general and CSM materieal will be appreciated.
This is the exact model I'm talking about
Lammina 10 AL
It's got a good open hull design and high bow, which so far is the only bright spot of this purchase.