Jools, I think you will have more takers closer to the time - this does not help with your planning, but I have been advised the Ribsters lot do leave some things to last minute - they may have to sleep under the stars / stairs / bars!
With the side of escorting you into Cardiff - sounds like a plan, hope to be there. Channel 16 sounds like an idea!
Now, just need to find a seat on a RIB.
Have you decided about berthing by the Cardiff Bay Yacht Club now, or still intending to go into the marina?
Please let me know if you have more detailed questions that will help your decision.
Threads are getting long, but perhaps once in a while a summery can be made - like you just did with people on board etc.
Take it easy and see you soon.
Have I got a mobbile phone number for you?
Keep a look out on the SOC send off thread with summaries as well.
Take it easy.