I've been asked what type of accomadation is provided on the Pride of Bristol (For the Spirit of Cardiff send-off) - That threads getting a bit large so I thought I would start a new one.
OK - we basicly have 4 cabins that we use for passengers
2 - Five Berth cabins
1 - Three Berth
1 - Four Berth
(We also have a six berth and a "skippers" cabin that we use for crew)
Depending on the split between males / females and couples we change the usage of the cabins.
The 3 berth is sometimes a "female" cabin - or could be used for 1 couple (The top bunk is a bit cramped!)
The 4 berth could be used for 2 couples.
The two 5 berths are normaly used as male or female cabins.
All these cabins are in the main part of the ship. There are three flushing heads (toilets) and two hot showers
There is a small galley, a small "crew room" and a large ward room for passengers containing TV etc.
The ship is fully heated and ventilated (It was fitted for working in Norway!) and has 240V,120V and 3 phase electric!
I will take some pics of the accomadation tomorrow night and post - Anybody in the Bristol area are always welcome to come and have a look at the Ship on a Wednesday night - contact me for details!
As a charity we would be looking to cover the costs of bringing the ship to Penarth and would imagine this would work out at about £20-£30 - inc breakfast

of course - per person depending on numbers.
Interested parties please reply to this thread so that I can guage the amount of interest - Thanks