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Old 15 September 2003, 09:51   #1
Country: Ireland
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Accountant or Adventurer ?

Wavehumper in another post used this line and I had just experienced it.

I was... am....thinking of buying a Zodiac pro Open 650 to replace my 550. My mate an "accountant" was surprised it was one third more expensive to change from my two year old 550. He asked the following

1. Will it carry one third more people ?

2 Will it go one third faster ?

3 Is it one third longer and wider ?

Now I'm really confused, my ego wants the newer bigger Zodiac but seven thousand sterling to change now appears a lot.

It's over to the forum now !
Fast... Very feckin fast please.
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Old 15 September 2003, 10:01   #2
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There is a huge difference between 5.5 and 6.5m. Step aboard a 6.5m rib from a jetty and it shouldn't move. Try it on a 5.5m and it will tip. At sea a 6.5 has a big boat feel.

Both will cross the Channel if you want but is the purchase, insurance, fuel and mooring / towing costs worth the extra ? and would you have to change the car as well ?

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Old 15 September 2003, 10:15   #3
Country: UK - England
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One third bigger

It may not hold one third more people, go one third faster or be one third longer and wider, however, it will make you feel more than one third better so, bo**ocks to it, get it bought.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 15 September 2003, 10:36   #4
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Go for it!

If You've got that 7 000 extra (now, and more every month!) - go for it!
RIB x-ing of Atlantic on Southern Route 1998;
If You are not living on the edge, You are taking too much space...
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Old 15 September 2003, 13:11   #5
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All depends


All depends on your prioritys and the size of your wallet as with everything else in life, the guy sitting at the lights next to me drives a Mercedes, he cant go any faster than me, he uses more petrol going the same distance as me, his servicing costs are double mine and he paid allmost three times as much as me for his car, plus of course when he comes to sell his car he will have lost so much in depresiation on his car i could have bought it instead of buying mine new !!

But and it is a big But where would i rather be sitting at the lights, in my tatty vauxhal or the comfort of his thick padded leather armchairs ?

All depends what you want in life......i say use the accountant as a mud weight and get the boat you want, and get a Merc to tow it around !!

Remember there were people on the Titanic that turned away the desert cart !!!

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Old 15 September 2003, 13:53   #6
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Scotty - people on this forum are always very good at spending OTHER people's money...

Keith Hart
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Old 15 September 2003, 14:03   #7
Country: UK - England
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Keith, you should meet my wife she's got a bloody degree in the art.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 15 September 2003, 14:19   #8
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Now lets see, I could either go on about the bigger better boat, more seaworthy blah blah.

Or I could go for the money talk, about how much more this and that will cost

But I won't

At the end of the day what is more important, having a boat that does the job and leave you with some cash left over for 'stuff', or a boat that does exactly what the other did, just better, but leaves you with less if any cash in the bank?

But what sounds better down the local, mine's bigger than yours blah blah

SO only you know what you can and can't do, and what you really want

Pssst... keep the small one, although the difference is boat ability is huge, is doesn't justify the huge price difference

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Old 15 September 2003, 14:28   #9
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Take your accountant out to sea out of sight on land. Then ask him whether he would like to be in a bigger boat!

(All boats look big on the trailer, smaller in the water and bloody tiny when you are out of sight of land!)
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Old 15 September 2003, 20:47   #10
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Nice one Alan. I am sure it's a third safer
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Old 15 September 2003, 21:40   #11
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Oi leave us accountants alone!

Nothin wrong with accountants....we're just cautious!
Tax is paid by mortals
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