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Old 10 December 2007, 11:15   #1
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Action video equipment

I know rugged filming gear has been discussed on here before. I spent some time talking to a very amiable guy by the name of David Smitheram at a motor show recently. David runs a business called Fast Films, specialising in video equipment for motor racing and extreme sports. They have some great water resistant bullet cameras and rugged flash card recorders, together with mounting devices suitable for helmets, consoles, a-frames etc. Evering from cheap stuff suitable for making PC video, to high resolution equipment used for those drivers-eye views you see on F1 on TV. I thought David's prices were VERY reasonable and he is certainly knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

Anyone wanting to make some RIB vids might like to take a look
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Old 10 December 2007, 12:01   #2
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I saw another one last week that might be worth a look: Vee Cam

It's a seriously rugged, waterproof camera and recorder, which looks capable of surviving much more abuse than most of the commonly available kit. At about £800 it's not really a budget option though.

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Old 10 December 2007, 18:47   #3
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Originally Posted by Trickdog View Post
Anyone wanting to make some RIB vids might like to take a look
There are quite a few companies all selling the same kit - it pays to shop around. For example, you can get the same camera mount from:

Fast Films - £29.95 + vat:

Action Cameras - £25.99 inc vat:

Dogcamsport £19.99 inc vat:

For what its worth, RF Concepts is one of the cheapest places around but they are box shifters so don't expect any technical advice / support:


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Old 10 December 2007, 18:58   #4
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I saw another one last week that might be worth a look: Vee Cam
I would have three concerns with this system (someone at work was trying to convince me we should look at using them):

1. It's a closed system - it looks like it will be difficult at best to use different / longer cables.

2. There is no information on camera specification or video specification - sure you could contact them to find out, but if they don't think it is important enough to include on their website...If they are talking about 4 or 8 hours record time, the quality is not going to be good. Maybe there is no information because...

3. It doesn't actually exist. As far as I can see all the images on the website are 3D CAD models, and the ordering page says:

The cost of each unit is £849.95(incl. of VAT)
The deposit per unit is £200.00. Payment of this deposit will secure your unit(s) for delivery as soon as they are available.


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Old 10 December 2007, 19:37   #5
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They definitely exist, at least in pre-production form. I've had a play with one and it looked great. Really had the feeling of something that had been made to do the job well.

You're right about pre-ordering for the first production run though. As far as I know they'll be available in a couple of months.

Video quality is claimed as "near DVD" whatever that means. I didn't quiz them about it, because I don't know much about it anyway. I suspect that the web site is a bit light on detail because they are concentrating on actually getting the kit built. The guys I spoke to were very helpful though, and I'm sure you could easily get answers from them.

Oh, and there will be longer cables available too.

I've got no link with the company BTW, it just struck me as somethinig that would actually get on with the job and survive life on a RIB. Most of the other products being touted around look like being too much of a compromise for serious us.

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