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Old 03 February 2024, 11:52   #1
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Advanced Powerboat course

Hi all,

So I hold a commercially endorsed powerboat level 2. First aid STCW, RYA vhf and other SCTWs. I am currently a speedboat captain on this license but to do better jobs that pay more require the advanced. Upon looking on the RYA website it says as preresquite to be training to Yauchtmaster coastal level.

Q) Does this means I have to have that?
Q) Do I have to have miles/hours logged?
Q) Do I have to have driven at night already?

As the course trains you in night time operations and other things. So in simplict terms. Can I show up for the regular £400 ish course do it and automatically be commercially endorsed because I hold the PPR course that I did with my pb2 license? Thanks.
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Old 03 February 2024, 15:29   #2
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To be commercially endorsed for Advanced you need to complete the Advanced CoC exam, not the 2 day Advanced course. The course is there as training should you need it (which most people would, if nothing else to ensure you have had a chance to practice under guidance the sort of things the examiner could ask you to do and adjust skills as needed). Worth speaking to your chosen centre to see how they arrange - some will facilitate an exam immediately after the course, others might have a gap between and arrange the exa separately.

Yachtmaster Coastal - you don't necessarily have to have the paper certificate but "training to that level" however you choose to do that. The course is highly recommended though to ensure you've fully understood and practiced everything. As long as you are familiar and confident with all aspects of the YM Coastal shorebased syllabus to either talk about or put into practice, that's what they will be looking for.

Miles/hours logged - whether it's actually written down in a log book or you verbally describe your experience, it's pretty obvious whether you've got the required knowledge/experience or not. The sea time/mileage requirements are there for a reason, to make sure you have sufficient experience to give a good chance of succeeding with the CoC exam. Presumably if you're a full time speedboat captain using your Level 2 you have plenty of days/miles as skipper, but in a very specific area and not at night?

Night driving - you definitely need some night experience, as during the course and/or CoC exam they will be asking you to take command of the boat at night time, plan and execute a passage, find unlit points in the dark, etc., so you need to be familiar with all those techniques and very confident in your ability to drive/navigate in the dark, potentially in unfamiliar waters. Clearly on a 2 day course you'll get a single night driving exercise at the end of the first day, so if that's the only ever time you've helmed a boat at night and done planing speed navigation in the dark, chances are you will need much more practice before the exam.

Best bet is to call your chosen RYA centre where you think you will do the course and/or exam, and they will generally very happily talk to you about the requirements and work with you to make sure you are ready.

There's also various videos on YouTube with examiners explaining what is required, e.g.:
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Old 17 February 2024, 14:48   #3
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Originally Posted by blackice View Post
Hi all,

So I hold a commercially endorsed powerboat level 2. First aid STCW, RYA vhf and other SCTWs. I am currently a speedboat captain on this license but to do better jobs that pay more require the advanced. Upon looking on the RYA website it says as preresquite to be training to Yauchtmaster coastal level.

Q) Does this means I have to have that?
Q) Do I have to have miles/hours logged?
Q) Do I have to have driven at night already?

As the course trains you in night time operations and other things. So in simplict terms. Can I show up for the regular £400 ish course do it and automatically be commercially endorsed because I hold the PPR course that I did with my pb2 license? Thanks.
You current license restricts you to operating within 3 miles of the nominated departure point that is named on the craft's coding cert. It also restricts you to daylight and favourable weather.

The Advanced COC is an exam, different centres run it differently but I have been doing this since the day the COC was invented in 2005 and have a formula that works.

Most of our students complete the 2 day RYA Advanced Course, then they continue on with a three day Advanced COC prep and exam. (ie total of 5 days and 4 nigh excercsies).

Details and required seatime are at

Yes you need the Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased knowledge, most people get that knowledge by doing the course.

You also need to have logged the minimum hours etc. We make sure you get 12 night house during the training.

Once you hold the Advanced COC you can operate upto 20 miles from a safe haven, without night and weather restrictions. A safe haven is of course different from a nominated departure point as you can effectively do much longer passages as long as there is always a safe haven within 20 miles
For Survival, First Aid, Engineering, Powerboat, RYA and STCW Training please visit Courses for workboats, yachtsmen and deck officers in Southampton and Dumbarton
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