Originally Posted by John Kennett
A deep V hull will definitely give you a significant improvement in how the boat handles the short, steep Solent chop.
However another metre or two in length would be a definite advantage though as you'd be able to get on top of a lot of it rather than bashing through every wave.
In Solent conditions a 7 or 8 metre RIB can feel like a magic carpet compared to a 5 or 6 metre RIB.
But the same length and the same angle at transom can behave differently.
In Greece is very popular 5,5m RIB (after crisis), deep V but really heavy.
On the other side I was looking for SKPPER 7m RIB which has 33 deg at transom (very very deep V) but it is very light. Maker guarantee that this RIB with 200 HP Yam I can tow on trailer GVW 1500 kg :O
Mine boat on choppy Sea bechave differently if use
VIPER 19" prop
REBEL 19" prop
With Rebel it is really different kind of animal. Not jumps, much better reacts to shift from more to less power.
It is very hard to stop be on plane (which is very common use VIPER prop and reduce speed)