11 July 2008, 20:39
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Advice on 5mtr for training...!
Who would you say builds the best value 5 mtr Rib that would spend its life pontoon bashing for PBL 2's?
Look forward to your comments... :-)
11 July 2008, 20:45
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by nikster
Who would you say builds the best value 5 mtr Rib that would spend its life pontoon bashing for PBL 2's?
Look forward to your comments... :-)
XS every time for me
11 July 2008, 20:56
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Did my PB2 in an XS 550 with a 90 Merc... Great boat for first experience of ribbing.
Also Osprey Viper 5.25 is very much my favourite (it would have to be as it was my first boat) I don't think Osprey make these anymore however they do come up for sale from time to time.
I guess considerations have to be plenty of space, strongly built, easy handling oh and a good set of fenders!!
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
11 July 2008, 23:12
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I'm a Humber Ocean Pro 5m fan, allied to a 70 hp 4-Stroke outboard. Very strong and good when the going gets a bit rough!!
12 July 2008, 02:12
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I did my training in a Ribeye 5m ish with an 80hp Yamaha - great fun. My instructor has had the boat for quite a few years now and he loves it.
14 July 2008, 12:09
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Oban (mostly)
Make: Ribcraft, Humber,BWM
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We've had Tornado, Valiant, Humber and Ribcraft boats at the school - and of those, the Ribcraft has been by far the best. I've visited lots of other schools for their annual inspections or to run courses for them, and I'd also agree with those who like XS. (And I'd add Avon to my "like" list too).
When you talk about value, build quality is important - the best value boat for training isn't likely to be a cheap one, but will last well and continue to give good service despite treatment that from time to time is rather harsher than you might like!
14 July 2008, 19:31
Country: UK - Scotland
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Another vote for XS 550 - although i have just spent the last 7 days teaching in a Avon 5.4 good boat but prefer the extra width of an XS (of course i would say that as i own a 650 :-) )
15 July 2008, 15:28
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We've got some seariders (c. 1980), two ribcrafts (4.8 and 5.45 c. 2000) and 2 rib-x (5.2 and 6.5 c.2006) amongst others.
Obviously searider tubes are tough as old boots, so for pontoon bashing ability alone, a 5.4 or whatever would be ideal. But they're also a little bit agricultural looking to use with 'clients' and also are a tiny bit wet as well!
The two ribx boats look pretty, and the hulls are good but the fitout feels a little flimsy, and the tube quality is definitely not that good, and we've had a few significant problems on the smaller boat.
Which leaves the Ribcrafts. Both are very well made, dry, well fitted out boats with very strong tubes and a very forgiving and seaworthy hull design. However we find that the 4.8 is a tad small when teaching PB2 with three clients onboard. Given the heavy use they've had over the last 8 years, they're looking really good still!
That was just a really long winded way of saying 'go ribcraft!' When eliciting feedback, it might be worth thinking about whether the people recommending a particular brand are in some sort of 'close working relationship' with a particular manufacturer. As you can see by the mixed fleet and the fact that we're a university, we have no connection with any of the above manufacturers, aside from being happy customers.
15 July 2008, 17:05
Country: UK - England
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Ribcraft 585 140 suzi 4stroke
Can't go far wrong if you've got the budget.
PM sent
15 July 2008, 17:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by BassBoy
Ribcraft 585 140 suzi 4stroke
That would be way more engine than you need on a teaching boat. I'd suggest that a 90 would be much more suitable.
15 July 2008, 18:11
Country: UK - England
Town: cookoo land
Boat name: tba
Make: ribcraft 595
Length: under 3m
Engine: Suzi 140
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 316
more than you need
Yes, 140 is more than you 'need', but bear in mind that ribcraft is a heavy boat. it will be working at 2/3 output for the high speed/passage elements of most courses instead of screaming its nuts off, will have a similar fuel economy (same block) , will be more fun on and off the training course, and have an 'easier'/'better' resale value IMHO
15 July 2008, 19:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: if only you knew!
Make: n/a
Length: 10m +
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Posts: 228
Thanks every one........ question seems to have been answered, and a few pm's from the mfr's to throw in as well.... once again thanks
16 July 2008, 08:36
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 40
hello nickster,the xs550 does look a great boat and of course are the ribcrafts but so is the price.For value for money humbers can't be beaten.
5.3 destroyer,absolute fantastic boat,solid,loads of deck space and excellent in the rough stuff.
16 July 2008, 14:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
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Posts: 89
I did my PB 2 in Evolution and Old Spice, great for pontoon bashing! ( and still are with my driving)
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