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Old 26 July 2020, 12:30   #1
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Advice on a new 5m - 5.5m RIB please

Hello all,

I am looking for a new RIB of around 5m to 5.5m to use as a tender on a 22m motor vessel. I have never bought a new RIB so am not sure which builders I should be focusing on. I'd be grateful for any advice.

Some requirements:

1. Will be used to carry 3 people (most of the time) and up to 6 or maybe more occasionally.

2. Will be used to access the shore from distant anchorages, go on day trips, go scuba diving, carry groceries etc. We have a smaller 3.4m RIB that we will use for day to day access to shore in protected waters. The new RIB needs to be able to cope with reasonably boisterous conditions and have decent range (say around 100L of fuel capacity).

3. Weight is a significant consideration as it will be lifted on deck using a davit. There is no need for embellishments like teak decks, showers etc. that will increase total weight.

4. We would like a bimini to provide protection from the sun and a very strong A-frame to allow towing of water-skiers and to enable us to help boats that have gone aground.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,
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Old 26 July 2020, 12:37   #2
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you need to give us an idea of the weight that your davits can take, for example a Ribcraft 5.3M which will do everything you have mentioned above will weigh around 700KG, you wouldn't necessarily need the weight of A Frame, just have a ski pole fitted.

Good makes and this is always subjective are Humber, Ribcraft, XS, Cobra, not in any order. I am sure their are lighter RIBS, but to carry 6 in comfort have a 100 litre capacity, your going to have to get 5.3 upwards, but thats only my opinion

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Old 26 July 2020, 13:15   #3
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Originally Posted by TimB View Post
you need to give us an idea of the weight that your davits can take, for example a Ribcraft 5.3M which will do everything you have mentioned above will weigh around 700KG, you wouldn't necessarily need the weight of A Frame, just have a ski pole fitted.

Good makes and this is always subjective are Humber, Ribcraft, XS, Cobra, not in any order. I am sure their are lighter RIBS, but to carry 6 in comfort have a 100 litre capacity, your going to have to get 5.3 upwards, but thats only my opinion

The davit is rated for 1500kg but I would like to stay as far below that as possible. Launching and retrieving a RIB in a rolly anchorage is a nerve-wracking business so having something dangling from the cable with as little momentum as possible is a good thing.
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Old 26 July 2020, 13:19   #4
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If it is only really going to be as a Tender...,
I'd just get a Bigger decent SIB..and do a couple of trips!
Seems a big overlap if you already have 22' Motor Boat.
You'll save a packet on the Price....not to mention time ..running costs ...and maintaining Boat large Engine..AND
Or "wise up" and just swap the Motor Boat for a nice RIB and be done with it
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Old 26 July 2020, 13:33   #5
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Unless I've read it wrongly, it's going on a 22m motor yacht, not a 22' motor boat? Without starting a SIB vs RIB debate, I'm not sure the average owner/client on a 22m motor yacht wants a SIB ride to/from the restaurant!

If that's the sort of usage, then budget aside, what other requirements are there? e.g. most larger yacht tenders I've seen tend to have bench seating as opposed to jockeys, etc. Or this this purely a functional, robust boat to carry 3-6 people?
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Old 26 July 2020, 13:38   #6
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Originally Posted by paulbrown22 View Post
Unless I've read it wrongly, it's going on a 22m motor yacht, not a 22' motor boat? Without starting a SIB vs RIB debate, I'm not sure the average owner/client on a 22m motor yacht wants a SIB ride to/from the restaurant!

If that's the sort of usage, then budget aside, what other requirements are there? e.g. most larger yacht tenders I've seen tend to have bench seating as opposed to jockeys, etc. Or this this purely a functional, robust boat to carry 3-6 people?
Yes - 22m, not 22'! I'm thinking a rear bench seat, a seat in front of the console +a leaning post or jockey seat for the driver. We live on board full time (without crew) so this needs to be a functional RIB that is capable of taking 3-4 people scuba diving or hauling 3 people + a couple of weeks worth of groceries a few miles to the anchorage.
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Old 26 July 2020, 14:06   #7
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If its something other than an old english style workboat with a few frills you want ,staying english with something like this may fit the bill .
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Old 26 July 2020, 14:11   #8
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Rib x make yacht tenders. Take a look at their Web site. Might be a bit overkill for your needs.

As others have said, ribtec, RIBCRAFT, xs, humber and don't forget Xpro - I like mine!

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Old 27 July 2020, 20:55   #9
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Ribeye based in Dartmouth have a good yacht tender range. Have a chat with Ross.
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Old 27 July 2020, 23:01   #10
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Perhaps something like a Zodiac pro open 5.5m? Would probably fit what you are looking for. On a nice 22m motor yacht are you looking for aesthetics or function as the no.1 priority? There are a number of ribs with an arguably better functional layout for tougher weather - and diving (where presumably you would need some clear deck space for tanks?) - and others which are easier on the eye but perhaps not so suited for diving or choppy seas.

The normal yacht tender with bench seating are generally (imho) better suited for shore to boat transport and the occasional fun when it’s calm enough. But throw in the need to be a capable boat and be able to do activities like diving I wonder if the bench layout would be the type you are looking for.

From memory the Zodiac pro open 5.5m has a leading post for driver then a rear bench. Ribeye tenders are probably also good with a decent hull.

Humber, perhaps XS and ribcraft etc are great boats, but focus more on function rather than aesthetics.

Zodiac 5.5 link;


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Old 30 July 2020, 07:41   #11
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Hi Tom, I think I watched you leaving jersey a few weeks ago from my office window. We are slowly moving towards Nordhavn ownership. Are you on the Nordhavn FB groups?

I have owned / operated a few ribs for all the things you intend to do (minus the aground boats too often). I think the size you are at is perfect for what you want. I just bought a 4.8 Ribcraft (sold our motorboat at start of Covid and this has filled a hole for the summer).

The rib craft 4.8 is quite narrow for the diving but a fantastic sea boat for its size. I lift it regularly comes in about 500 kg with 60l fuel tank and 50HP. I really like the XS range and have previously used a few sizes of their / tornado brand.

Hopefully this photo works.


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Old 30 July 2020, 12:20   #12
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Advice on a new 5m - 5.5m RIB please

You need to bear in mind that due to the LCG of the RIB, one of the davits will take more load than the other. Do you know what load the davits will (as in capacity) take?

Stowing petrol on the RIB is the easiest but you might need to think about extra stowage on board if you use the RIB a lot.
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