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Old 11 November 2009, 16:40   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Advice on Selling Avon Searider 4.0m

Hi troops,

I'm afraid due to a degenerative health condition, I'm having to finally give up boating for good.
Taken a wee bit of time to post this and come to terms with no longer being an active RIB'er (is that the word?!).

Anyway, as a result, am going to put "Thumper" up for sale along with everything that goes with her, but am really unsure of what it's all worth so am once again throwing myself into the Sound of Knowledge and Expertise that has served me well in the past...

The major items are as follows:

Avon Searider 4.0m (20 years old), central aluminium jockey console with removable (wooden) bench seating behind, with single tube A-frame and wired nav lights
30hp Mariner two-stroke
Oceantrail roller-coaster trailer (just over a year old) with spare wheel & carrier and extra wide wheels (for beach launching etc)
Adult Lomo drysuit (with inner fleece suit)
Adult Gul wetsuit with boots (approx size 9/10)
2 X manual gas lifejackets (used twice and never inflated, still uder warranty)
3 X foam lifejackets (one XL adult, one youth, one child) - two unused
Handheld VHF marine radio (never used)

The boat is stored in dry, covered storage and has had only freshwater use since summer 2008. The tubes hold air fine for a couple of weeks but with a small, slow leak on one chamber and have some small patches. The flooding hull needs a small piece of repair work around the chamber's exit but otherwise perfectly sound. She's a grand wee beast, serving much of her life as an occasional safety boat in the West Highlands.

I would be grateful for any advice given.

And thank you for all of the advice and marvellous encouragement I've received from you all in the past - I now have wonderful memories and still manage to bore friends and family about the benefits of RIBs and of course flooding hulls

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Old 11 November 2009, 16:54   #2
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Very sad to hear that mate.

Regarding value, I'd sell the boat/trailer/engine together and then sell the rest separately.
Detailed pics of the boat and the engine would help with valuation, though I suspect you're probably not in the mood to take any.

Oh, and the engine year.
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Old 11 November 2009, 18:19   #3
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Good advice from Nos concerning the sale,although you may do better after Christmas. Likewise sorry to hear your having to give up,all the best for the future!
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Old 11 November 2009, 18:22   #4
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Hi Bob sorry to hear that you are not keeping too well. It is never easy to give up a hobby which has given you so much pleasure over the years. I was looking forward to meeting up with you on Loch Sween or the Sound of theese days for a cruise to lunch and a natter. If you are ever over Tayvallich way look me up the rib is moored of the Carrick pier.
Take care and look after yourself.
'Carpe Diem'
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Old 11 November 2009, 18:31   #5
Country: UK - England
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Sorry to hear that Bob, been nearly there a few times and I know my health will stop me one day.
As always MR Nos has said it all really. Does the engine have PTT?
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Old 11 November 2009, 20:04   #6
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What NOS said plus a good description of the boat.
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Old 12 November 2009, 08:09   #7
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Bob - sorry to hear your news - must have been a tough decision to make - but on the good days you can always check to see what trips are being organised here - and pop along as a passenger

Take good care

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