01 May 2004, 17:18
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
Advises Please
I AM LOOKING FOR A 6 to 7meter rib wich does not need a too big outboard engine but have a great and comfortable sea ride ,where i live in brittany in belle_ile island the sea can be pretty rough and my back is not in very good conditions
do you think it's possible to find that for approximately the amount of 20000 pounds
i was thinking for example to osprey650viper max or rybeye 650 or?
i am pretty confident there will be experienced people among the community to tel me where should i look
thanks very much
01 May 2004, 17:50
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc Optimax 150 XL
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 682
Just came across this 8.5m Pro Sport. Fair enough its longer than what you want but the extra length will give a softer, smoother ride at sea. This one's a beauty too!! I'm sure Ian and Jono who boat post here will give you good advice as regard Pro Sports, they both have very nice Prosports.
This one may also be worth a look. Its a Solent, which I think are quite new. Again there are a few Solent owners and dealers on here who will advise you. They're good value too!!
Don't forget Tornado too. They give an excellent ride in the rough stuff as they have a high deadrise angle (I think thats what its called anyway) and are very strong boats.
Thats just a few but there are plenty of others as well, that I'm sure the others will add. Parker ribs from Poland would be another good choice. There's pics of 2 lovely new Parkers in the Gallery.
You'll get plenty of good advice here after everybody gets back from their Bank Holiday cruises and jaunts. Oh the joys of being boatless!!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
01 May 2004, 18:16
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
thanks very much for your friendly answer
01 May 2004, 18:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
Bonjour Arnaud,
I think that you should find a good RIB for your budget. There are some good makes available in the UK, and I think that you will only want to consider top quality RIBs given your location. Osprey, Tornado or Solent would probably suit your purpose well. Scorpion would be great, but you would probably want a 7.5 rather than 6.5 but you don't find them very often at under £20000. There's one here with an older carb. 2-stroke engine: http://www.lymingtonmarinesales.co.u...age_page_3.htm
Hope this helps!
01 May 2004, 19:06
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
[QUOTE=swginn]Just came across this 8.5m Pro Sport. Fair enough its longer than what you want but the extra length will give a softer, smoother ride at sea. This one's a beauty too!! I'm sure Ian and Jono who boat post here will give you good advice as regard Pro Sports, they both have very nice Prosports.
This boat is brilliant IF it is still available - he may well have sold it by now- I took it for a test drive and it was fantastic - lovely condition and great fun with a smooth ride - 8.5m looks big OUT of the water but once you are on it boats shrink a lot!
The bloke selling the boat was really genuine as well - only reason he was getting rid of it was that he frightened his wife and kids by taking them out for their first ribbing session in poor weather! The boat could take it easily!
Only reason I didn't buy it was due to cash flow I was better off buying a new boat in 3 stage payments!
01 May 2004, 19:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200hp Etec 260x 2
MMSI: lots of them
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Posts: 1,861
Originally Posted by Richard B
Bonjour Arnaud,
I think that you should find a good RIB for your budget. There are some good makes available in the UK, and I think that you will only want to consider top quality RIBs given your location. Osprey, Tornado or Solent would probably suit your purpose well. Scorpion would be great, but you would probably want a 7.5 rather than 6.5 but you don't find them very often at under £20000. There's one here with an older carb. 2-stroke engine: http://www.lymingtonmarinesales.co.u...age_page_3.htm
Hope this helps!
good boats all of these Arnaud
regards tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
01 May 2004, 19:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
Is your current RIB in this picture?
01 May 2004, 20:27
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
no Richard exept my tender on the mole ,you should have taken your photo just a little to the left my is 6.7 meter much bigger than the one you see
friendly yours
01 May 2004, 23:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
OK have I got your RIB here...
02 May 2004, 15:37
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
yes you do at the far right down ,with a high bow a grey console bravo
Tell me , does the scorpion is far better than any other boat in cluding the revenger, and how are you considering viper max ,prosport, ribeye,or the solent 6.9
02 May 2004, 17:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
Originally Posted by sea bass
the Scorpion is far better than any other boat including the revenger...
That's my opinion, and as far as other RIBs are concerned, there aren't many others that I would consider. There are good reasons for this - a superb hull design, quality of workmanship that is second to none, intelligent use of materials (ie GRP deck and wood only used in the transom) and attention to detail throughout the build. Add to this the constant development by Graham and you have a winning formula. However, this comes at a price. Secondhand Scorpions come to the market infrequently and at a premium price. Add to that the fact that the hull was designed as a 7.5m+ (I've only ever been in one well set-up 6.5m Scorpion - Rogue Wave's).
So if you are after a 6.5 / 7.0 with 150hp then I would definitely look at other makes such as Osprey, Tornado or Solent. Osprey have some very happy customers, as do Tornado. Knowing your location, I wouldn't consider Ribeye or Prosport as don't think that they would be much better than your Narwhal. Revengers are good, but they are a fast hull and I'm told that they can be a hard ride.
Another good make to consider might be Gemini as I think their 7m is very good.
Arnaud, peut-etre votre Anglais est plus bien que ma Francais, mais si ca est difficile a comprendre, je essayes en Francais?
02 May 2004, 18:31
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
WELL! at least i got it the scorpion 7.5 is the one to have but nearly impossible to find except if you have a good friend ready to sell it!!!!!
i found the gemini site but can't have an idea of their prices. I am out quite often aroud 300 hours a year and i don'twant to spend too muchmoney for gas and most off the time i am alone or two do you think that a 6.5m would still give me a comfortable ride in rough seas have you more information on the solent
wichone you think is the best between the tornado ,the solent an the osprey i think the solent is the nicest in terms of design apprently tornado needs bigger engine
big questions for a frog living far away in the west
next visit don't take your boat i ll be happy to ride with you
or!!yes!! i'd so happy to ride in a dream vessel
regards arnaud
02 May 2004, 21:30
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
Richard thanks for saying such nice things about 'Wake Up Call' she is an absolute pleasure to drive and is a very committed sea boat. Unfortunately it has to go as I need to get a 7.5m for our charter work. That one in Lymington looks a possibilty however but it's been around for a while
To return the compliment Richards boat 'Blue Ice' is a very well sorted boat and the extra metre does make a difference in a big sea. Even though i am unlikely to own another Scorpion in the near future I think they are fine craft that other manufacturers can try only to emulate.
I wouldn't touch a ribeye with a barge pole the build quality is not high. Solent and Parker ribs are good as are Prosport but I think they use too many self tappers ( screws instead of Bolts) but the lamination seems to be fine
Avon Sea Riders and Deltas also superb sea boats.
what type of fuel do you want to use and how much would yu like your fuel consumption to be?
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
04 May 2004, 12:54
Country: France
Town: le palais
Boat name: agnhélie
Make: narwhal
Length: 6.7
Engine: YAMAHA 115 4 STROKES
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19
I D Like To Stay With Unleaded
And I Would Rather Between Four To Five Gallons An Hour Cruising Speed
13 May 2004, 18:34
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
Length: no boat
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I wouldn't touch a ribeye with a barge pole the build quality is not high. Solent and Parker ribs are good as are Prosport but I think they use too many self tappers ( screws instead of Bolts) but the lamination seems to be fine
Thanks for your kind words but just shows not many have seen my new Parker 630. We do not use any self tappers. We have special deck inserts and bolts
14 May 2004, 09:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
Rogue Wave says he wouldn't touch a Ribeye with a barge pole due to quality. Fair enough and I wouldn't dispute that the Scorpion is a higher quality boat.
However I have owned a Ribeye for over a year and other boats before that,and have compared it to many other makes of RIB and I would say the quality is excellent. Nothings gone wrong (except the bilge pump), nothings fallen off, and it still looks and handles as good as new. It's superb in rough seas. I am not biased and would say so if there were things wrong with it.
See Bass, they can be bought through the Yamaha dealer network in France I believe as they exhibited at the Paris boat show. Worth contacting them www.ribeye.co.uk
14 May 2004, 09:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcestershire
Make: Various
Engine: O/B + Sterndrives Di
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 243
New Boat
Scorpion is certainly a well built and sorted boat but I would,nt rule out a Revenger and they have recently launched a "budget" model about 23 feet for up to 150hp and this is competitively priced plus is available on short lead times at the mo - might suit you? Worth considering and you can find pics and details @ www.revenger.co.uk then click on 715.
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