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Old 16 June 2008, 16:26   #1
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Affordable shock mitigation jockey seat

I love the look of the Ullman jockey seat, well made, comfortable and could help me with my back which I suffer from at times.
What I don't like is the price, I believe they are priced at between £2,000 and £2,500 each.
Now I know a lot of research and development was involved in there design and you have the economies of scale i.e. the number of seats they sell. But the price does seem to be O.T.T. and it is well beyond your average RIB user.

Does anyone know of any similar products, maybe at a more affordable price. I am aware of the 'Shockwave' product from Canada but don't know what sort of money they go for.

If there are no other manufacturers of similar products can I make a plea to any engineering firm, RIB company or marine seat manufacturer out there. Could you please look at making a more affordable product, I am sure there is a demand out there.

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Old 16 June 2008, 23:04   #2
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Originally Posted by A.C. View Post
could help me with my back which I suffer from at times.
Just a thought... have you visited a physiotherapist? I suffered a back injury in a road accident about 2yrs ago and I'm pleased to say that my back is better than before thanks to a good physio. Not cheap, but much less than the price of a set of Ullman seats, and a classic case of treating the cause, not the symptom!

All due respect to Dr Ullman, a regular reader of this forum.
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Old 17 June 2008, 11:02   #3
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Originally Posted by A.C. View Post
But the price does seem to be O.T.T. and it is well beyond your average RIB user.
But the average RIB user doesn't need an ullman seat. There are really only two people who do (1) those who have to go out regardless of the conditions - for commercial or rescue work (2) those who have a pre-existing problem. That massively limits Dr Ullman's market volume, and therefore pushes up his prices - so that he can recover the R&D costs you rightly identify.

there are other suspensions seats around (search the forum and you fill find some) - but it depends if you want something developed for a rib or a jcb...

If there are no other manufacturers of similar products can I make a plea to any engineering firm, RIB company or marine seat manufacturer out there. Could you please look at making a more affordable product, I am sure there is a demand out there.
I am sure someone could make a "bouncy" seat - but unless someone literally rips off the ulman (and that may well get them in legal trouble) then they either have to just throw some parts together to make something that seems about right - but without any serious R&D is unlikely to offer you the same protection as an ullman OR invest in serious R&D in which case they will have to recover this via the same route as Ullman - high unit prices.
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