You must be mad to even consider, do you read the forum? Nah, ask Kerny & Hadd & everyone else who's bought a chinknese RIB & nearly lived to regret it. Stay away
I guess its possible that sailit has read the forum's but can only find racist comments referring to the "chinknese" and wanted the opinion of someone who is able to construct a logical argument without attaching offensive labels to entire nations of people.
In which case, it is probably useful for him to understand what alibaba is:
Alibaba Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Essentially Alibaba doesn't make products - it is simply a giant business to business advertising site. So you can't assume quality from the fact something is listed. Its also very likely that to get the sort of prices listed you need to buy in bulk; deal with export/import regulations and paperwork etc. Basically unless I am genuinely looking at a serious business transaction then I ignore Alibaba. If I was looking at a business transaction then like any other, I'd be appraising the vendor, the supply terms, the product, the quality controls and financial protections before exposing myself to any risk.