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Old 09 March 2002, 12:28   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801

Karen (Marine Biologist daughter, remember, the one studying mussels in The Wash) went out for her first foray into The wash last week to check out the sampling sites. Karen and the other scientist were taken out in the Fisheries Protection vessel ‘Protector III’, she describes it as a big grey boat like a navy ship. My, was it full of all those sorts of ‘toys’ chaps like us just love! Radar, GPS with electronic charts on a massive screen, radios, depth sounders, fish finder (logical I suppose) huge seats with arm rests in the wheelhouse……well you know what I mean. They had the full tour of the boat and it’s equipment and all the safety stuff and then went out for a tour of The Wash.

After a couple of hours they launched the RIB from the big ship. Now being a girl (oops not very pc that, sorry) all she could tell me about the RIB was that it was grey in colour, it had one 150 hp engine and it was FAST. The crew said over 40 kts. It had jockey seats and there were the two scientists and two crew in it and there was still plenty of room left. They went into shallower waters to look at various sampling sites.

The rib was launched and recovered from the stern of the ship (ship/boat – hey, I’ve only just learned what the pointy end is called). The rib is on a ramp and they open two ‘doors’ at the stern and the rib is lowered down into the water. To recover the rib the open the rear doors and they drive in part way up the ramp, it is pulled up to the top of the ramp and then the rear doors are then closed. She tells me it was a great day out AND they will be going out sampling every couple of weeks for two or three days.

I think I mentioned that she is being sent on a RYA level 2 powerboat course. Karen already has a VHF licence. This morning she told me that when she has completed her RYA course SHE will have to be the captain of our own little Quicksilver because she will be much more qualified then ME! Well yes she will be. BUT it’s MY boat so I get to say who’s captain. Mind you I think I will promote her to 1st Mate.

Well as the title says…’All this and a Phd’ (AND she's being PAID to do it!)

Keith (not jealous really, just a proud dad) Hart

PS I’ve asked her to see if they will take me out one of the times. Well you have to try don't you?
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Old 09 March 2002, 20:43   #2
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pwllheli-North Wales
Boat name: V-ONE
Make: Highfield
Length: 8m +
Engine: Honda 250hp
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,367
You must be so proud!!!!!!! (under that jealousy)
Jono Garton is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 10 April 2002, 20:14   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
Hello folks

Karen was doing her VHF radio course today (she's already got her licence, but what the heck someone else was paying!). It is the same training centre who are doing the Powerboat Level 2 course:

Any one know them?


Keith Hart
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