16 July 2022, 22:53
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Anchor ball
Who has one on their RIB, and how do you mount it?
17 July 2022, 10:06
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I was speaking to my RYA instructor about this very topic last tuesday and it was his opinion that those that do still use the at anchor ball, are of the old school.
I guess when storage space is at a premium you have to pick and choose what bits of kit are most important to your style of boating, ie if you often anchor up then it may be as well to make/buy one.
17 July 2022, 11:36
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We are commercial and we don't use the anchor often but I think it's still a good idea to carry one just so you can do things by the book if you so wish.
The RIB I did my APB in had a collapsible anchor ball and a small pole it attached to which slotted into a little holder on the A frame but I've looked at local chandlers and online and I cannot find this product anywhere. It seems that nobody really makes an anchor ball that is designed to be mounted and stored on a RIB with limited storage space.
17 July 2022, 13:26
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17 July 2022, 16:45
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Originally Posted by tehguy
Who has one on their RIB, and how do you mount it?
I used to use a black ball, but the pugwash community seem to have difficulty in understanding its meaning. These days I just use the all around white light on the A frame. This seems work better.
17 July 2022, 17:36
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Folding anchor balls are pretty commonplace. The standard 300mm size might be tricky to store in a small rib console but you could always cut one down to say 200mm
That said, while they are a colregs requirement I can't recall ever seeing a small motor boat (including mine!) displaying one....... not that that makes it right of course
17 July 2022, 18:25
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Originally Posted by gpsguru
I used to use a black ball, but the pugwash community seem to have difficulty in understanding its meaning. These days I just use the all around white light on the A frame. This seems work better.
Is it bright enough to be seen in daylight on a sunny day though?
17 July 2022, 18:28
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon Tallis
Folding anchor balls are pretty commonplace. The standard 300mm size might be tricky to store in a small rib console but you could always cut one down to say 200mm
That said, while they are a colregs requirement I can't recall ever seeing a small motor boat (including mine!) displaying one....... not that that makes it right of course
This is what they had on the boat I did PB2 on, except it slotted into a plastic pole which then slotted into a holder on one side of the A frame so it was clearly visible all round. The pole and holder did not look like a home made affair but I am struggling to find anyone selling such a product. I might just make one myself.
18 July 2022, 11:13
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Originally Posted by fastasfox
I was speaking to my RYA instructor about this very topic last tuesday and it was his opinion that those that do still use the at anchor ball, are of the old school.
what did he mean by "old school" ? did he mean old fashioned and no longer needed or experienced and seaman like? was his statement in general or specific to ribs? was it about people who use them in places where its fairly obvious you are anchored (e.g. just off a busy beach with nobody on board) or where there might be ambiguity / confusion (e.g. is a boat with someone fishing trolling or anchored)...
I guess when storage space is at a premium you have to pick and choose what bits of kit are most important to your style of boating, ie if you often anchor up then it may be as well to make/buy one.
They fold up. They take up virtually no space.
I should be clear I don't carry one on the RIB - its not a space / mounting problem. 95% of the time when I anchor I am still on board. I'll be in shallow water and I think its obvious what is happening. If I need to move I can do so quickly. If I am not on board, the boat is usually swimming distance from shore. But its neither because I can't fit one on board my 3.9m boat nor because I can't find somewhere to mount it (both the pole my vhf is on and my all round white nav light would be suitable places). People who don't use them either have no idea what they are or decide not to bother. The former are part of the reason for the latter.
This is what they had on the boat I did PB2 on, except it slotted into a plastic pole which then slotted into a holder on one side of the A frame so it was clearly visible all round. The pole and holder did not look like a home made affair but I am struggling to find anyone selling such a product. I might just make one myself.
the only rib than I can actually recall seeing using an anchor ball had it strung between the a-frame and the back of a seat on thin cord just like would be used on a yacht.
18 July 2022, 20:23
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People who don't use them either have no idea what they are or decide not to bother....
........or actually know what the rules say......unlike fastasafox's RYA instructor....who clearly needs a refresher ..
IRPCS Rule 30 (e) says..
(e) A vessel of less than 7 metres in length, when at anchor, not in or near a narrow channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule.
18 July 2022, 22:09
Country: UK - England
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[QUOTE=Jon Tallis;855672]People who don't use them either have no idea what they are or decide not to bother....
........or actually know what the rules say......unlike fastasafox's RYA instructor....who clearly needs a refresher ..
IRPCS Rule 30 (e) says..
(e) A vessel of less than 7 metres in length, when at anchor, not in or near a narrow channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule.[/QU
OTE] Take a slice of me any time...I have thick skin, but don't you dare start to sumise what was and wasn't said in conversation between two people who's conversation you weren't privy to.
I can assure you my pl2 instructor was up to speed and very knowledgeable.....and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need schooling by a keyboard warrior.
Sorry to the OP......I can't stand Internet bullying....they often create arguments out of thin air.
19 July 2022, 06:58
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Jon Tallis
People who don't use them either have no idea what they are or decide not to bother....
........or actually know what the rules say......unlike fastasafox's RYA instructor....who clearly needs a refresher ..
IRPCS Rule 30 (e) says..
(e) A vessel of less than 7 metres in length, when at anchor, not in or near a narrow channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule.[/QU
OTE] Take a slice of me any time...I have thick skin, but don't you dare start to sumise what was and wasn't said in conversation between two people who's conversation you weren't privy to.
I can assure you my pl2 instructor was up to speed and very knowledgeable.....and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need schooling by a keyboard warrior.
Sorry to the OP......I can't stand Internet bullying....they often create arguments out of thin air.
Apols #fastasafox, not my intention to have a go at you at all. Just trying to bring some clarity as to what the rules actually say - perhaps not put in the most constructive fashion I admit.
Apologies mate - keyboard warrioring not at all my style
19 July 2022, 08:07
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By co-incidence, I used my all round white light as an anchor light for the first time in anger on Sunday day / night.
The light is a Hella NaviLED and it is visible during the day time. At night and in the absence of any other lights around, it was amazingly bright. I found it very useful for checking that the boat was still there and hadn't dragged the anchor or chafed through the rope.
It was in the Sound of Shillay on the Monach Isles and I was paranoid about it disappearing out into the Atlantic.
19 July 2022, 11:24
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Originally Posted by fastasfox
I was speaking to my RYA instructor about this very topic last tuesday and it was his opinion that those that do still use the at anchor ball, are of the old school.
Originally Posted by Jon Tallis
...unlike fastasafox's RYA instructor....who clearly needs a refresher ...
Originally Posted by fastasfox
but don't you dare start to sumise what was and wasn't said in conversation between two people who's conversation you weren't privy to.
But foxdude - you TOLD us what he said. Did he know you were gonna quote him online?
19 July 2022, 13:02
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Originally Posted by Jon Tallis
People who don't use them either have no idea what they are or decide not to bother....
........or actually know what the rules say......unlike fastasafox's RYA instructor....who clearly needs a refresher ..
IRPCS Rule 30 (e) says..
(e) A vessel of less than 7 metres in length, when at anchor, not in or near a narrow channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule.[/QU
OTE] Take a slice of me any time...I have thick skin, but don't you dare start to sumise what was and wasn't said in conversation between two people who's conversation you weren't privy to.
I can assure you my pl2 instructor was up to speed and very knowledgeable.....and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need schooling by a keyboard warrior.
Sorry to the OP......I can't stand Internet bullying....they often create arguments out of thin air.
I didn’t see Jon’s post as “keyboard warrioring” I saw it as adding clarity to a previous (vague) statement based on a 2nd hand conversation.
I for one found his post helpful.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
19 July 2022, 22:03
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
But foxdude - you TOLD us what he said. Did he know you were gonna quote him online? 
I didn't quote anyone or I would have used quotations, I was just stating That this topic came up during my training and for the record...and at no point was I advised that following the rules was for old farts only...merely people that take the rules seriously ie....old school.
19 July 2022, 22:04
Country: UK - England
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[QUOTE=Jon Tallis;855690]
Originally Posted by fastasfox
Apols #fastasafox, not my intention to have a go at you at all. Just trying to bring some clarity as to what the rules actually say - perhaps not put in the most constructive fashion I admit.
Apologies mate - keyboard warrioring not at all my style
No problem water under the bridge now.
21 July 2022, 11:13
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by tehguy
Is it bright enough to be seen in daylight on a sunny day though?
Yes, I was surprised that it is so effective. I also use a red A3 buoy on the anchor warp, which stands out quite well.
Doesn't matter what precautions you take really, as there seems to be a good number of clueless clowns out there on the water, who really don't know what a white light or a black ball means
21 July 2022, 11:14
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by gpsguru
Yes, I was surprised that it is so effective. I also use a red A3 buoy on the anchor warp, which stands out quite well.
Doesn't matter what precautions you take really, as there seems to be a good number of clueless clowns out there on the water, who really don't know what a white light or a black ball means 
Try flying an “A” flag. They’re jet ski magnets [emoji849]
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
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