05 September 2010, 04:04
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Anchor kit for 6.3 Humber
Is this kit suitable for my Rib? 5KG BRUCE ANCHOR KIT 30M X 12MM ROPE 6M X 8MM CHAIN.
Its on ebay for about £56.
Got Rib in July and it didn't come with anchor, private sale..!!
Would appreciate any help/suggestions - 1st input to RibNet!!
05 September 2010, 07:28
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Other than the fact that 6mm chain would have been sufficient, I would say that this Anchor Rove would be fine for your 6.3m RIB.
05 September 2010, 08:31
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Originally Posted by DaveC
Is this kit suitable for my Rib? 5KG BRUCE ANCHOR KIT 30M X 12MM ROPE 6M X 8MM CHAIN.
Its on ebay for about £56.
Got Rib in July and it didn't come with anchor, private sale..!!
Would appreciate any help/suggestions - 1st input to RibNet!!
I would think that will be adequate. I have a similar set up, but use a 4kg Delta anchor, and anchor in strong winds frequently and without problems.
My only concern about the Bruce anchor in these smaller sizes is it's ability to dig into hard sand - from your location I guess you'll be doing that. It's only a concern I read about years ago, I've no experience of them. Bruce anchors are one of the best designs and for £56 you're getting a bargain.
While agreeing with Cypman that 6mm chain would be sufficient, you can't beat some weight in the rode and I'd stick to 8mm. in the wild north west.
By the way, welcome to RIBnet.
05 September 2010, 09:19
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Is 30m rope enough?
05 September 2010, 09:47
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Is 30m rope enough?
Well spotted P. Obviously Yes for routine anchoring up but a big No for emergency use.
I had a "moment" off the back of Jura when our engine legs picked up a rope. We were no more than a few hundred meters off a steep rocky lee shore and in about 90m of water. I was very busy lifting engines and doing mental arithmatic on the lengths of rope I had. My normal kit is 25m of rope and 12m chain. The "emergency" rope is 68m... clearly even joined they weren't gonna cut it. I was totting up the various mooring warps and wondering how fast we could tie bowline knots
In all we had about 165m plus chain, enough in calm seas, just...
05 September 2010, 09:50
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Posts: 339
In answer to Polwart's comment, I believe you can never have too much anchor line. However, 30m is probably sufficient for most occasions likely to be encountered. An additional 20-30m of 12mm line would, of course, be a useful extra to the boat's inventory, and not just as extra anchor line. I would recommend this and a sea anchor as desirable/essential equipment.
05 September 2010, 09:56
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Posts: 339
Not watching where you are going WilK, and you with 2 props to foul as well !!! But you are absolutely right, we never have enough when the s..t hits the fan !!l
05 September 2010, 10:14
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Originally Posted by willk
Well spotted P. Obviously Yes for routine anchoring up but a big No for emergency use.
I had a "moment" off the back of Jura when our engine legs picked up a rope. We were no more than a few hundred meters off a steep rocky lee shore and in about 90m of water....
Big, black, steep lee shores with sea running give me the ebeegeebees. I always hope that the seabed would shallow enough the closer you got.
05 September 2010, 10:15
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We don't see that sort of depth round here, 50-60m is about the most. I've got 10m of 10mm chain + 100m of warp for the anchor but I seem to have aquired enough warp to fill every square inch of storage on the boat  I reckon I could pay out nearly 300m if I really had to
05 September 2010, 10:18
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
I reckon I could pay out nearly 300m if I really had to 
Anchor off Guernsey and she'll lie nicely just off of Jersey.  Careful when the tide turns.
05 September 2010, 10:18
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Big, black, steep lee shores with sea running give me the ebeegeebees. I always hope that the seabed would shallow enough the closer you got. 
I was practically alongside the Casquets Rock earlier this summer in 45m 
Not that you'd want to throw the hook in a 10 knot tide
05 September 2010, 10:21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by martini
I was practically alongside the Casquets Rock earlier this summer in 45m 
Not that you'd want to throw the hook in a 10 knot tide 
45m!  I live in hope.
05 September 2010, 10:35
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Originally Posted by Cypman
Not watching where you are going WilK, and you with 2 props to foul as well !!! But you are absolutely right, we never have enough when the s..t hits the fan !!l
Hard to see an un-buoyed weed encrusted floating rope
Luckily no props were fouled although same couldn't be said for my survival suit...
05 September 2010, 12:18
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Originally Posted by willk
Hard to see an un-buoyed weed encrusted floating rope
Luckily no props were fouled although same couldn't be said for my survival suit...
Ho, exactly what do you mean you 'fouled' your survival suit!!? Was it that frieghtening?

'Carpe Diem'
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05 September 2010, 16:07
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Originally Posted by alystra
My only concern about the Bruce anchor in these smaller sizes is it's ability to dig into hard sand - from your location I guess you'll be doing that.
With 6m of 8mm chain I'd say this wouldn't be an issue. Our little 5kg Bruce digs into everything and holds fast, although we have 10m of chain on but personally I think this is more than required.
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