13 October 2003, 11:39
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Another alternative RIB exhibition?
As you probably know, it has been announced that RIBEX 2004 is to be held in Cowes on the Isle of Wight. From an earlier thread on RIBnet, this announcement didn't seem to be particularly popular. The fact that SeaWork are having a separate RIB section suggests that the industry may not be 100% behind a RIB show in Cowes.
I have been approached by a professional exhibition management company who have put together a plan for an alternative RIB show at a major south coast venue.
They would like some feedback from RIBnet members. Whether you are a potential visotor or a potential exhibitor -- what do you reckon?
13 October 2003, 11:49
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I think this is a really excellent idea, Cowes is hard to get to really and a new bit of blood woul not hurt the industry or us the public.
For my part, I guess i would like to see more hands on exhibits, more boats to try etc. It would be good if the stands were charged more on ability to pay rather than a flat rate. for example Barruss could afford more than All gadgets or somebody selling waterproof electrical stuff, if this happenned then we might get a real opportunity to buy good things for our boats.
I'd also like to see every electronic manufacturer that exhibits donate a product that could be raffled in a grand charity draw Split the money betwen NSPCC and the seamans mission from the local town that is exhibiting.
You have my support !
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
13 October 2003, 11:55
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Cowes is fine by me ;the fast ferry from Southampton is not inconvenient
What is important is the content on and off the water and a better attitude from some exhibitors.OK they have to deal with some time wasters but that is business.More boats to try and advice feely given;I may have 50k or 5k but its the future of the UK business which is at stake.Do I only get a ride if I show my bank balance?
And lots more serious land based content -who can pass a chandelry without spending a bob or two
13 October 2003, 12:18
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Personally, I have nothing against holding a Rib Expo at Cowes - who knows, it might turn out to be a major success. Surely HMS and the staff at RI have done their homework and decided on this venue for very good reasons which would only become apparent on the day!
The Rib market is small in national or global terms (like it or not)and I do not think the market could sustain another Expo or Rib Show at this time. IMHO !
As a closing thought, maybe a rhetorical question -
'How can one pre-judge something without it having ever been done before at a specific venue'? I have enjoyed all the RibEX shows I have been to - depends on what you want to get out of it. A negative attitude to anything means you have spoilt the experience before you have even started.
13 October 2003, 12:28
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Hi folks
Having Ribex at Cowes would not stop me going but I would prefer a mainland location.
Just Cowes adds extra costs, carrying items etc back to the car via ferry etc could be a pain.
The main thing however that would decide if I went or not, rather then to location. would the static stands. RIBS aflote are great but as I dont plan to buy a new RIB every year it would be the static stands that I would go for on a yearly basis.
The other option is would it not be possible to hold a RIB show, on the same dates as the Southampton boat show at a close by venve. That way you have all the static stands, but all the RIB's close by if thats what you ar looking for. Just a thought
Regards Gary
13 October 2003, 12:59
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Last RIBEX I went to in Soton 3 years back was hugely disappointing simply because there was so little shoreside to see. The on water bit is fine but inevitably if its a popular show the chances of actually getting out for a ride on a boat (without showing your bank balance as Phil says) is small. So paying to get in to see some nice RIBS afloat and wander around a few stands on shore is pretty poor vfm. (Go to a BIBOA or RIB.NET cruise and you get to see just as many RIBS and usually have a damn sight more chance for a ride in one!)
Some sort of social gathering - decent beer tent for example and maybe associated cruise would add to the incentive to attend. And this is not a pop at HMS from as my opinion would be the same for any RIB specific boat show. Fundamentally I dont thing the UK RIB market can support an annual show. Maybe Bi-annual is the key.
I end on a note of trivia. I actually exhibited at the first RIBEX in Weymouth, Kinda anyway. Our DS21 was a floating exhibit for BWM & Mr Lemmer eventually had me doing demos for all an sundry!
13 October 2003, 16:20
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Hi John
Im quite happy with Cowes as a location but would still prefere a mainland spot.
Will there be room to park a boat for the day in Cowes or will the only way there be via the fast ferries?
13 October 2003, 16:58
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An alternative exhibition has to be good for the industry and public, if only because this one might actually happen.
Does anyone know the real reason for the cancellation of this years show, and how do we know this won't happen again.
As an exhibitor I was disapointed with the previous Ribex, and was unimpressed with the proposed venue of the South of France, or was this HMS doing a bit of day dreaming.
The only other thing I would say is that if Ribex goes ahead next year, for christs sake don't let Hugo perform on stage again, only his mother could love him!
13 October 2003, 17:37
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I will be happy to go to a Rib show wherever it is, I only worry that we already have talk of 2 shows next year, and now maybe a 3rd, can all the manufacturers, retailers afford to attend all of them.
We might end up with three disapointing show instead of 1 good one.
In the announcment in RIB International there was mention of people been able to attend in their boat, and I fully attend to do so. Why don't we arrange a cruise for the same time?
Its all got to go - make me an offer...............
Skype - alexgreig
13 October 2003, 18:53
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I like Cowes or anywhere in the Solent...
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
13 October 2003, 19:04
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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
Does anyone know the real reason for the cancellation of this years show, and how do we know this won't happen again.
Yep I do!
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
13 October 2003, 19:05
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Mainland for me i would rather see the show than spend the time traveling. At best its got to add a couple of hours to the day,
13 October 2003, 19:06
Country: UK - England
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Go on then, tell us!
Its all got to go - make me an offer...............
Skype - alexgreig
13 October 2003, 19:14
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yes, spill waveh
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
13 October 2003, 19:48
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Originally posted by thewavehumper
Yep I do!
C'mon Stuart, you've gotta spill the beans now!
13 October 2003, 19:55
Country: UK - England
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Originally posted by Richard B
C'mon Stuart, you've gotta spill the beans now!
Only Cider will loosen my tongue, I will obviously tell DIGI when he reveals himself to me
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
13 October 2003, 20:15
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I went to RIBex two, or was it three years ago. I thought it was OK, but nothing special. I agree with most people here who seam to want to see more land-based stuff (we all like buying gagets). It was good to see all RIBs in one place but the boatshow is more productive for buying goodies.
I'll go to RIBex (if it happens this year) in Cowes and i'll go in my boat, most probably from Portsmouth. If gingercoastie wants to join me then it sounds like the begining of a cruise. Either way for me it'll make the day more worthwhile driving to the south coast. The'll still be enough time to see everything and buy anything i'm after.
A 2nd or 3rd show makes no odds to me, as 'joe punter' unless, of course, as Mr coastie suggests we end up with 3 crap shows. Chances are we'll end up with 3 OK shows, and i'll more-than-likely goto at least 2 of 'em. If i were only to go to 1 show it would be RIBex because i've been before and i know what to expect.
13 October 2003, 20:33
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Originally posted by thewavehumper
...when he reveals himself to me
That's boatmad talk!
13 October 2003, 20:37
Country: UK - England
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Originally posted by Daniel
Chances are we'll end up with 3 OK shows, and i'll more-than-likely goto at least 2 of 'em...
Yes - be positive, it's all an excuse to get out for the day, talk about RIBs, meet a few more like-minded people  and have a few drinks. Life's great sometimes!
13 October 2003, 20:52
Country: UK - England
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So will you be cruizn' with Myself and gingercoastie over to Cowes then Richard? I'm sure we can find some beer along the way - have you not got a fridge on the enormous RIB of yours
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