Stealing Martins idea /v similar going to view two (poss 3) coded boats with a view to bringing another one in for survey work....They don't need to be new /particulalrly glamorous, just functional and presentable as they will get well used (and abused

), and we have the Ocean to fill in if they are off the water etc.
The two are /were coded for 4 people each...They need to be good sea boats, economical and will spend their lives being trailered up and down Wales..
To further complicate matters, would poss also like to look at increasing coding to 6 to use as second boat for dive charter (4 divers)....but not essential.
The two contenders are:
Osprey Eagle 5.6m (yr 1989) with Yam 100 4stroke (2005 ish tbc) - Comm spec fendering etc...clean boat.
Ribtec 585 (yr 2002) with Honda 130 4 Stroke (2004 ish tbc) - needs tidying....cosmetic only.
So RIBnet massive, for fun /discussion, what are your views?....and what would you pay (engine hours circa 200 to 300 each and on galv trailers with plotter, aux OB and coding gear except LR)....
Finally, from left field have also been offered a Crompton marine 6.7 (yr 2000 ish) with twin Yam 100's, decent electronics package (Heeeeewwwwge Plotter) Galv Trailer, also previously coded....any idea what its worth /are they any good?....Have done a Crompton search on here, but found only contact details etc)....Too big for what we need, but am intrigued by it!