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Old 30 June 2020, 00:34   #1
craig_c's Avatar
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another stupid project - ceasar thunderbolt

Oh no what have I done. My last rib project, a £20 searider inevitably ended up in the bin and I have only went and done it again.

Facebook marketplace is my new vice and I couldn't resist messaging the seller. We had some back and forth, I hummed and hawed for a few days and then I pulled the trigger on something I definitely don't need or know anything about.

Ribnet members are a wealth of knowledge, so its only when I reached out to Roflhat that I became aware that this is not zapcat sized, but its actually a much bigger boat and suited for longshaft engines. Trawling through google images I did find a pic on here from 2007 which looks very similar to this boat however in as new condition...

The seller was kind enough to drop it off at my mate's house who was local and its been languishing in Big Daves garden for the last 3 weeks. I am away with work at the moment so its given me plenty of time to trawl the net and I've got a Yamaha 60 delivered to BD's house and a tiller now lying at home

She isn't going to win any beauty prizes, and once again I've bought a boat with more holes than swiss cheese but I'll give it a bash.
2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 30 June 2020, 00:35   #2
craig_c's Avatar
Country: UK - Scotland
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Engine: yamaha sterndrive
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2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 30 June 2020, 07:05   #3
spartacus's Avatar
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You're obviously in the mood for a project!

Boat doesn't look too bad, and yes they aren't that small when you see them up close. Well done on getting the Yammie, and even better, the tiller handle.

Look forward to seeing the final result. What's the plans, do it up and move it on quicker than a piece of jewellery after a heist?
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 30 June 2020, 07:22   #4
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I've always liked these, somebody on here had a bright Yellow one years ago. I've a feeling it was Nauti Buoy, but am probably wrong.

EDIT - https://www.rib.net/forum/f50/ceasar...olt-20446.html

Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

It's going to be a lot of fun.

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Old 14 July 2020, 20:26   #5
craig_c's Avatar
Country: UK - Scotland
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Engine: yamaha sterndrive
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Getting closer! Hopefully should get up to the boat this weekend.

My trailer is ready, probably too high but its steel so I can chop it down and reweld it to suit.

Tiller handle looks the right thing. Gear cable seems miles too long and it says teleflex on it so I think its been swapped to get the thing sold... Will have to trawl the net to find the right one to suit the 4 stroke tiller and 2 stroke outboard.

Only parts left on the shopping list are battery, battery box and fuel tank. Not sure Ill get it running this weekend but I should hopefully get it all home.

2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 15 July 2020, 06:08   #6
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I got cables made to measure for mine, couldn't find the correct length ones online
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Old 15 July 2020, 07:23   #7
A1an's Avatar
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Are you looking for a larger fuel tank?
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
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Old 15 July 2020, 07:49   #8
craig_c's Avatar
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A fuel tank would be good
2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 19 July 2020, 15:05   #9
craig_c's Avatar
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well its home and not without issues!

on the way to get the boat I heard the trailer start to make a creaking noise. I quick inspection had revealed a flaw in my design. I had made sure all the bracing was aft where the weight was however the front end hand some flex and had began to crack the welds where the vertical pieces met the base. Thankfully it made it the last 30 mins to Fort William where we cut down a pallet to the perfect size and used a whole pack of cable ties and tape to shore it up for the trip home!

We put the boat on the trailer and wheeled it to the engine. It was easy enough to tip boat and trailer underneath the engine which was standing up and just pick it up straight onto the transom.

We then used a small helper to tie some ropes underneath directly onto the axle for securing it all down.

4 ratchet straps, 6 ropes I was happy to see she didnt move an inch, even through the twisty roads of loch lomondside. These boats are definately not easy to tie down!

walking around to the boatyard this morning it definately looked very sorry for itself. Port side has some issues. We were able to find one small hole and one bad patch when it was in fort william so I started working on them.

I also peeled a lot of the extra bits that were hanging off. All the broken life line attachments were removed along with the bags at the stern.

The patch on the port side was not pretty, one previous and then another beside it with a lap joint over the top. After visiting the chandlers they had the glue but no fabric so I am not sure if this is a good idea or not but I used the fabric that I had peeled off the top as patch panels. I was able to make a couple of decent sized patches and the colour is a spot on match. We will have to see in 24 hours whether or not this works. At least it only cost 1 tub of glue however at £25 I would rather not do it again.

Worst case scenario I will have a professional make the repairs. I've watched all the PVC repair videos on youtube and I had made my own tool a few years ago for pressing the fabric so fingers crossed!
2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 19 July 2020, 15:06   #10
craig_c's Avatar
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Redbay 8.4 Exped
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2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 19 July 2020, 21:19   #11
Country: UK - England
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Poor thing, sun has got to it for sure. I replaced all my sponson ropes too, curious to see how she goes with the yam. I’m come across a manual tilt yam 60 to try on my zapcat.
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Old 26 July 2020, 20:43   #12
craig_c's Avatar
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Make: Redbay 8.4 Exped
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Engine: yamaha sterndrive
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Posts: 755
With some butchery and brake cleaner she's a runner!

Halfords trade card came in handy securing a nice little lawnmower/kit car battery for £38

Got a battery box in, waiting on a hulk fuel tank coming with the fuel line.

After researching yamaha tillers until my eyes bled I couldn't find the correct cable lengths required or a part number.

Since I am using a 4 stroke tiller it's the wrong way round - full throttle is idle. You can flip the gear over but I managed to find a tiller for a 60 enduro in china complete with gear selector. Lets hope covid doesnt delay it too much.

If I get the fuel tank in soon I may try her with the goofy throttle for a laugh and shift with the lid off.

I can also happily report that the port side is rock hard after one week so the repairs worked a treat. Stbd side has gone down ever so slightly but not the end of the world.

also have to figure out where to mount the ignition key. She's a manual choke and I was told the power trim switch was gubbed but its definately getting closer. Somebody call the ambulance now

2006 Redbay 8.4 Expedition "Crusader"
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Old 26 July 2020, 21:38   #13
Country: UK - England
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I’ve been looking at those Chinese tiller kits! Reasonable price.
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Old 08 September 2020, 14:06   #14
Country: Croatia
Town: Korcula
Boat name: Pocket Rocket
Make: Ceasar Maxi 5.3
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Engine: 90-115HP tbd
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Hi Greg,
i've ordered myself a Ceasar Maxi 5.3 (renamed Thunderbolt), due to arrive in 2 months from Cape Town.
Will be putting in a Yammie F115, 110-140l fuel tank, battery.
Am still a bit clueless on the trailer topic, will be following you here to make up my mind.
Let me know if you need inspiation on the fuel tank topic.


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