I think that what's really needed on the website are obviously pics of the range of RIBs on offer with a good description of that RIB, but what is really needed are the pics on the features Osprey have on offer like transom boxes, flexible seating arrangment, bespoke design at low prices etc. You should be able to supply details and prices of accessories on offer as you could do better pushing "seperates" for other RIB projects. Links to other suppliers you use like Eurocraft or Dixon Bate would also be helpful.
You don't need masses of pages on a site, just one for each model available, one or three for the accessories available. Couple to this the Evinrude connection and your up and running.
I think one piece of info is really important to many customers that not many sites offer. This is a plan view of a RIB with super imposed overall dimentions showing every detail, like beam, freeboard, overall length internal length, internal beam at various points down the internal length (helps with deck layout).
These where my observations when planning my Vipermax and found myself cutting little plan veiw seats and consols in paper and placing them on a drawing I'd created by streching a picture of a 5.8m Vipermax and scaling the picture to obtain the best plan for a 6.2m Vipermax. Not easy
