16 September 2005, 11:30
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This antifouling lark is a real minefield. From previous threads there seem to be several different ways of doing this. I am going to go the leave in the water route again next season - it is a bit much to keep pulling boat out on my own.
But which one to use?
Copper - will it really mess up an outboard engine?
International.... which one?
Smoothskin (or whatever it is)?
Do they effect performance?
Do some last longer (I know copperbot claims about 5 years...).
And the tubes?????
16 September 2005, 12:17
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would leave mine in the water if i was closer to the sea but also intend to try different places, i sympathise with people who have to keep antifouling as it seems a pain but you gotta do what you gotta do
16 September 2005, 13:23
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I am actually working on my own concoction which - IF it works will be a godsend - easy to apply - environmentally friendly and quite cheap - will keep you posted!!!
16 September 2005, 13:25
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Forgot to add - have had a test plate of steel coated in the stuff since March - wedged into rocks in a rough water tidal area so exposed to pretty much everything - will work ok on slower boats but don't know if it will last long enough on something like a RIB!!!
16 September 2005, 13:30
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Forgot to add - have had a test plate of steel coated in the stuff since March - wedged into rocks in a rough water tidal area...
Hmmm.... I reckon you need to test this in slack water where weed and other growth will be more likely to accumulate. I hope you had a "control" test as well with a "placebo" coating?
16 September 2005, 13:34
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I am actually working on my own concoction
sheap shitt an majic mushrewms mixt toogevver wil nott werk yew nobbur
enywaiys yew downt av to auntifowel a porspawt cuz orl de jelcote dropps orf affter wan seezun
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
16 September 2005, 13:45
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
sheap shitt an majic mushrewms mixt toogevver wil nott werk yew nobbur
Does if you smoke it....
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16 September 2005, 14:22
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Originally Posted by codprawn
What about antifouling the tubes - from what I have seen of ribs in the water most growth occurs around the tube/water level.
correct and grows more on the hull facing south (towards the sun) than the other side. I don't worry about the tubes because they are clear of the water at rest.
Whilst antifouling is a pain its once a year event and takes a weekend. Which one? well tried the cheap stuff this year and it didn't do it for me so back to International next year.
16 September 2005, 14:56
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I kept a hardboat in a marina (May-Oct) for years, un-antifouled. The rule of thumb was- drag it out every 4-6 weeks and would be only soft green weed which came off easily with a pressure wash. 6 or longer it became more stubborn, after 7/8 weeks the barnicles would appear. A tip for an outdrive is to cover it in a black plastic bag when not in use. It's a bit of a drag, but no light, no growth. It does work.
16 September 2005, 19:28
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Originally Posted by Richard B
Hmmm.... I reckon you need to test this in slack water where weed and other growth will be more likely to accumulate. I hope you had a "control" test as well with a "placebo" coating?
Yes I have - the coated plate has no growth at all and hardly any rust spots - the uncoated one is rusty as hell and covered in weed and barnacles. It really is very impressive but I wonder if a few high speed runs will dislodge it - only one way to find out!!!
19 September 2005, 14:29
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We used International Ultra and it's proved to be awesome stuff.
Doesn't help the tubes though, which are pretty minging at the moment. Is it true that there is only one company (Italian) that make antifoul specifically for the tubes and that it only comes in black or is this a myth?
We'd like pale grey please.
Kathy and Izzy
19 September 2005, 15:25
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Kathy, never used it but this might be worth a look,
19 September 2005, 16:21
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Originally Posted by Bollyfish
We used International Ultra and it's proved to be awesome stuff.
Doesn't help the tubes though, which are pretty minging at the moment. Is it true that there is only one company (Italian) that make antifoul specifically for the tubes and that it only comes in black or is this a myth?
We'd like pale grey please.
Kathy and Izzy
I have used Gummipaint AF made by Veneziani Marine Paints for the last four years, only comes in black in this country and can be obtained from http://www.boatpaint.co.uk/. Works well for about a year, then needs another couple of coats. No problems with any build up of weed etc: Difficult to remove and only the one colour in the UK. In Italy comes in various other colours.
It works for me, what about my original question of putting copper powder in Interspeed Ultra paint....any comments
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