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Old 04 June 2008, 10:29   #1
Country: UK - England
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Make: EPS Pacific
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Posts: 65

Just trying to get some ball park figures here, I have searched for similar threads but didn't find anything. I also understand the awnser to all of these questions could be 'depends how big you're boat is'. I'm just hoping to get a rough idea! If it makes it any easier my boat will be no bigger than 5m.

1. How much does it cost to have someone else apply it?

2. How often should it be re-applied?

3. Is it a difficult job to do yourself?

Any help welcomed

Thanks, Laurence
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Old 04 June 2008, 10:48   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Yarmouth, IoW
Boat name: 7up
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If the boat hasn't been Antifouled before, I'd get a pro to do it. You need to rough the gel up first (using an acid is best) and you gotta have a steady hand. I like knowing if it goes wrong I can blame someone!!
However, I have seen some good amateur jobs if you reckon you are handy.
You should expect to pay around £400 to get the job done first time.
Subsequently, if you can sand and paint - do it yourself! - Especially if you can get the boat clear of the trailer, and angled, do one side at a time.
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Old 04 June 2008, 10:55   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Make: EPS Pacific
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp Mariner
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 65

Originally Posted by genoa View Post
If the boat hasn't been Antifouled before, I'd get a pro to do it. You need to rough the gel up first (using an acid is best) and you gotta have a steady hand. I like knowing if it goes wrong I can blame someone!!
However, I have seen some good amateur jobs if you reckon you are handy.
You should expect to pay around £400 to get the job done first time.
Subsequently, if you can sand and paint - do it yourself! - Especially if you can get the boat clear of the trailer, and angled, do one side at a time.

£400! That's not as much as I excpected. However, if it was moored all year 'round would it have to be done more than once anually?

Thanks for your help!
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Old 04 June 2008, 11:05   #4
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Annually is fine for a boat kept in the water. I use Blakes Hard Racing with good results - May to November in the water and only a bit of slime to show for it. Last time used International Intersped and it seemed to make a good home for sea life....

It is easy enough to do.
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Old 04 June 2008, 11:06   #5
Country: UK - England
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My 6.5 cost £600 and included a few other bits as well last year, so it's about right.
You only need to do it once every 2 years, but do take the boat out 3-4times a year and give it a real good jet wash AND scrub.
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
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Old 04 June 2008, 11:32   #6
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Lift out - clean and apply antifouling in Burry Port -= £300 + VAT. Not bad I suppose.
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Old 04 June 2008, 11:40   #7
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You guys live in a different world, I think.

Two years ago I decided to antifoul. I thought about rubbing down the gel coat, primers, etc. and thought ' stuff that'. So, I just marked out the waterline and painted the stuff on.

I was certain there was no polish on the hull (very important). Think I used International's cruiser a/f. It stayed on . My cruising speed is 23knots and I rarely go faster - just the occasional flat out blow out at 40 knots.

Rubbed it down a bit this year to keep it smooth for third coat. None of it had flaked off or was loose when I rubbed it down. Used same stuff. One 750ml. tin cost £38 or so. Took me about 1 hour to apply with a small roller.

So, in answer. 1. It seems it costs a fortune for someone else to do it.

2. Annually.

3. No. And, for my 5.3 it costs about £45 (paint and roller) and there's a bit of paint left over each time.
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Old 04 June 2008, 13:46   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Yarmouth, IoW
Boat name: 7up
Make: Ribeye Sport
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc 150 Opti
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 133
Originally Posted by alystra View Post
Two years ago I decided to antifoul. I thought about rubbing down the gel coat, primers, etc. and thought ' stuff that'. So, I just marked out the waterline and painted the stuff on.
Like so many things you pays your money....
Ask any boat yard, and they'll tell you the preparation first time is essential. I know they make money out of it, but even when they are not going to, they'll still tell you to do it your self. I have been round the loop with various different types of boat several times, and the advice has always been the same.
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