22 March 2010, 10:15
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Hi guys. I have an Avon Adventure 6.3m which we keep moored at Brixham Marina Devon. Last year we had to take out of the water every 3 or 4 weeks to clean. PITA tbh so finally got around to thinking about antifouling.
It would be great to get some views on what process / materials you'd recommend (i.e. primer / antifoul paint.
Also how long should they last and how much speed I should expect to lose?
Cheers for any info.
22 March 2010, 11:05
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Some people will say don't antifoul it as it could mean your covering up a bad repair.
My SR4 is antifouled as it lives on a mooring.
I did the following:
Sanded hull,
washed down,
wiped with acetone,
applied primer,
applied a few coats of antifoul.
I'd expect mine to lasy a couple of seasons. It was Seajet Shogun 033 antifouling I used and Seajet primer.
The Shogun is good for upto 40kts and should last two seasons, one other reason I used it was it came in grey which suits my boat.
I've used Seajet before and it is decent stuff.
Another alternative is Coppercoat but it goes brown and isn't as pleasing to the eye, works well though!
22 March 2010, 12:26
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I do the same as Chewy, only I use International Uno mainly because it easier after the first year as you just wash and add a coat. Works for me and my mooring can leave some really nasty stuff on the bottom but with a/foul it only has a small scum coating which comes off with the hose. It actually helps the performance as there is nothing hanginh-on!!

'Carpe Diem'
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22 March 2010, 17:48
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I use Blakes (or whatever its called now) hard white racing . 2 reasons ;
Firstly its what was on the boat when I got it
Secondly - its white . I'd rather have 100% nice white clean hull , and this seems as close to invisible as I can get.
In the water 8 months of the year and only in the heat/sun of the summer does it grow anything & only then a light slime which I clean by swimming under the hull with a scourer.
Have to says its always fresh/brackish water so not sure how it does in salty harbours.
22 March 2010, 22:21
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I've just done mine with Internationals Primocon primer and then a couple of coats of Trilux (least that's what I think its called). I did a test area last year and it was very effective. I am on a drying mooring so it isn't immersed 24/7
22 March 2010, 22:25
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Erin
I've just done mine with Internationals Primocon primer and then a couple of coats of Trilux (least that's what I think its called). I did a test area last year and it was very effective. I am on a drying mooring so it isn't immersed 24/7
The legs on my Dads Aquabell have trilux on and if not used for a while they do get alot of growth, on the plus you can use a scrubbing brush and it comes off very easy without taking any of the antifoul off.
26 March 2010, 11:17
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Thanks guys...especially chewy for photos. Boat hull is submerged 10 months of year and I would like to keep it looking white. Will chat to local marine suppliers but thanks again for response...always good on ribnet!!
26 March 2010, 11:23
Country: UK - England
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No worries, my mate is adament he doesn't need to antifoul his boat as its only in for the summer, I'll post some photos of it before and after!
26 March 2010, 13:28
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used blakes in white to match hull. Sanded, washed, primed then applied.
Sat on mooring that dries out occasionally. Just a little slime on it after 9 months. (No innuendo pun intended  )Will put new coat on each season.
With no anti foul the boat does about 30mph instead of 50mph by August due to dragging half the worlds weed with us.
Another trick is if the tubes sit in the water at all, put some car wax on the underside as it stops the weed taking hold. What some of the RNLI use I believe (  chewy) Just dont put it on the top of the tubes or you will go arse over tit the moment you step on them!
26 March 2010, 17:29
Country: UK - England
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My tubes are covered in wax.... what the RNLI used to use. They use Polwax now although I still prefer to use Meguiars #16 which is very good.
26 March 2010, 18:36
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Thank you gents for the wax tip on the underside of the tubes. I hadn't heard that one before. As to antifouling I use hydrochloric acid 3 or four time a year ove rthe 9 months the boat is on the mooring (drying out) which seems to be enough.
26 March 2010, 19:17
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Originally Posted by chewy
No worries, my mate is adament he doesn't need to antifoul his boat as its only in for the summer, I'll post some photos of it before and after!
My mate's boat after 5 summer months without antifoul:
26 March 2010, 19:50
Country: UK - England
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Its a shame because his hull is in good nick, it'll be covered in crap by November. The lazy git never did his last one, you'd have thought he'd have learnt.
26 March 2010, 20:00
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Originally Posted by walruz
As to antifouling I use hydrochloric acid 3 or four time a year
I'm curious about this technique Walruz. How is that applied and at what conc.?
27 March 2010, 21:56
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
I'm curious about this technique Walruz. How is that applied and at what conc.?
It is used on all the quays around the Islands as it breaks down into salt water (convenient eh). It is around 15% conc and applied with a garden weed killer type spray can (replaced failry often about every 2 seasons). Spray on leave for a few minutes and wipe off with a deck scrubber. Reapply to the few patches which have not come off completely. Whole job only takes about 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a season (I recon it would take longer to paint antifoul each season).
27 March 2010, 22:03
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Originally Posted by walruz
It is used on all the quays around the Islands as it breaks down into salt water (convenient eh). It is around 15% conc and applied with a garden weed killer type spray can (replaced failry often about every 2 seasons). Spray on leave for a few minutes and wipe off with a deck scrubber. Reapply to the few patches which have not come off completely. Whole job only takes about 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a season (I recon it would take longer to paint antifoul each season).
Thanks for the info - no ill effects to trailer or leg?
27 March 2010, 22:56
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Originally Posted by willk
Thanks for the info - no ill effects to trailer or leg?
I do it on the beach as my boat is on it's mooring now and will be until Oct/Nov. No ill effects and I've been doing it for 4 years.
28 March 2010, 17:27
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My boat has Coppercoat. It's expensive and tricky to apply but lasts at least 10 years in the two years since it's been on there's nothing growing on the hull whatsoever. It goes green if you're on a drying mooring like I am or, as mentioned, it goes brown/black when permanently in water. It cost about £900 for a 6.8m Ribcraft including being applied by a local boat yard (recommended).
28 March 2010, 21:00
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Might be worth a try if you don't want to spoil your pristine hull.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
28 March 2010, 21:14
Country: UK - England
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Forgive me if I am being stupid, BUT, I have been told repeatedly not to use copper based stuff due to electolosis issues if your engine touches the water.
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