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Old 02 September 2002, 18:03   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
Make: Flatacraft
Length: 4
Engine: Mercury 50
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 5
Any advice please


After moving down to the coast I got bitten by the boating bug. I acquired a flatacraft force 4 with a Mercury 50 Blue band. It now turns out that there is a leak in the starboard side of the rib. I have bought new hypalon and gone over old repairs, I have used untold amounts of fairy to try and find it but still to no avail. I have heard; searching through here that there is a product that repairs minor leaks by pouring fluid into the air cavity that solidifies and fixes it. After many desperate weekends of sitting on the beach looking at others on their boats, I am extremely keen to fix mine and get it out on the water for the first time.

If anyone could give me any advice or pointers of what to do, it would be greatly appreciated. I live in Herne Bay Kent so if anyone also knows of a place i can take it to get fixed, or fancies being a good samaritan and giving me a hand, I would be forever in debt.

Sorry for the lengthy message for a 1st post, but I sooo want to get this problem resolved.


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Old 02 September 2002, 21:01   #2
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Used the tube sealing fuild and it works, however you need to spend an hour with lots of mates rolling the boat over and overto get an even coverage inside the tubes. Trust me its hard work. Suggest you throw a BBQ and we will all come and give you a hand.

However before you start have you checked the valves ? strip and clean these first as they do collect dirt and then stop sealing. They can be removed completely and refitted to assist cleaning. Shout if you need to know how to put them back in, Pete
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Old 03 September 2002, 14:43   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
Make: Flatacraft
Length: 4
Engine: Mercury 50
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 5

Thanks for that info.

Can anyone tell me where I can buy the repair fluid at all? I have found one place on the net so far but they aren't back in business for a bit, and would rather do it the old school way of buying it in a shop. I thought maybe I could fill the chamber with the fluid and get it out on the water for a run about, now surely that would get the fluid in those hard to reach places.

Many thanks

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Old 03 September 2002, 15:22   #4
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I should wait a month or two and pick a day when the forecast is Force 8 and above and take to the water like a madman !


Pick a bumpy road ( M25 or any high street ) and take the boat for a tow !!

I'm full of good ideas me !


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Old 03 September 2002, 16:04   #5
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Problem with the M25 is getting fast enough to hit the bumps!

Keith (no brackets for a change....doh!) Hart
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Old 03 September 2002, 21:21   #6
Country: UK - England
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A few things...

1) You live very close to me and i know of two force 4's for sale with blue bands in a 100 mile radius - one at crayside marine and one on sandwich quay side - was it either of these you have aquired?

2) You were probably watching me in my boat from the beach since i quite often stop off in Hernebay for a beer (by boat of course), three times last week in fact!

3) (More important this one) I have some of this tube repair gunk stuff, and i got it form Wayne Maddox Marine in Margate BUT it was his last one (almost certian about this - he's a friend of mine) (i did that)

4) (This is the best bit) I could be pursuaded to part with said product because i havent used it yet - but due to lack of ability to get hold of it would quite like it replaced long term...

5) (Not so good) I would give you a hand BUT i have a masters project to finish before the end of September and MUST knuckle down - but if not resolved by October then give me a shout...

Damn that's my longest post ever!

Hope something i have said is useful...


PS: No co's near-by to do tube repairs - i've looked (let me know if you find anyone though)
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Old 04 September 2002, 11:06   #7
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tube repairs

If you don't mind a bit of a drive there is a company called SEM in Basildon, Essex who have done tube repairs for me in the past and seem to know what they are about. They also sell allsorts of tube cleaning and repairing gunk. Their business is repairing RIBs, inflatables and liferafts.

Let me know if you need contact details.

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Old 04 September 2002, 12:10   #8
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If you ever need advice or help solving a problem you could always give Flatacraft (Tony Lee-Elliott) a call, they were always very friendly and helpfull when I have called them in the past.

Tel: 0116 230 1020
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Old 06 September 2002, 13:38   #9
Country: UK - England
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Still ashore - Thanks for the info


Thanks for that info - yes I bought the boat from crayside marine with a little leak that wasn't so little. turns out the boat has got links to Wayne to as the bloke bought the outboard off of him. Liked the persuasion part let me know whats needed there. But could really do with a hand as never took a boat on thewater before and more importantly just lost the motor with the tow bar lol. Boat will probably still be grounded come October anyways which is annoying as Hampton Pier launch is 2 minutes drive away. BTW do you have the details of the other rib for sale at all (the one in sandwich)?


If you could let me have the contact details that would be great thanks.


I shall give them a ring. Thanks.

et al:

Thanks for the interest. I would try the M25 idea but the fluid would probably have gone off by the time I made it through the roadworks on the A2 :-).


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Old 06 September 2002, 13:50   #10
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
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Oh and one more quick query

After reading through other post in this forum, I seem to be getting the general consensus that a mariner 50 on the back of my rib may be a bit lively. My main uses for the boat was for pulling along all sorts of articles and for a quick thrash around. My main intention was for fun and not too much fear. With the lack of an onboard loo, I was wondering should I stick with it or try to get a 40?

Thanks again

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Old 06 September 2002, 17:38   #11
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We have had a Force4 GT in the family for 20yrs and that has a 50HP Suzuki on the back.

I would stick with the 50HP mariner.

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Old 07 September 2002, 18:37   #12
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
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A 50 HP is fine on that boat - but the key is know (or learn) when to slow down!

I don't like using terms like 'overpowered' or 'lively' i would rather use terms like 'plenty of power there' or 'enough grunt to get out or trouble' or 'fun' - my boat rarely gets opened up fully, but thats never a bad thing, but on the flat day with nothing about it's nice to see how quick you can go!

Wayne and Crayside are friends i beleive - i have had dealings with Geoff at crayside and he seams a nice chap. I'll mention the engine to wayne and get a bit of inside info. for you.

The boat in sandwich was real heap - but only a few hundred £'s (no engine) i just spotted in on the quay side when i was working over there - no more info i'm affraid, but don't think it would be of any use to you!

We will meet in October - but if you want that gunk stuff then give me a shout... is checked daily.

Did i read somewhere this was your first boat? If its of any interest i'm a powerboat instructor so if you want a days tuition (or even a few hours - in your own boat or otherwise) then maybe we could arrange something - come october!

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Old 18 September 2002, 15:27   #13
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
Make: Flatacraft
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For Daniel


Any chance I can pop round to procure the fluid from you at all? I feel a bouncy weekend coming on and want to try to fix it. I would still love to meet up Oct. time for some pointers.

my email addy is

Many thanks

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