A few things...
1) You live very close to me and i know of two force 4's for sale with blue bands in a 100 mile radius - one at crayside marine and one on sandwich quay side - was it either of these you have aquired?
2) You were probably watching me in my boat from the beach since i quite often stop off in Hernebay for a beer (by boat of course), three times last week in fact!
3) (More important this one) I have some of this tube repair gunk stuff, and i got it form Wayne Maddox Marine in Margate BUT it was his last one (almost certian about this - he's a friend of mine)
www.waynemaddoxmarine.co.uk (i did that)
4) (This is the best bit) I could be pursuaded to part with said product because i havent used it yet - but due to lack of ability to get hold of it would quite like it replaced long term...
5) (Not so good) I would give you a hand BUT i have a masters project to finish before the end of September and MUST knuckle down - but if not resolved by October then give me a shout...
Damn that's my longest post ever!
Hope something i have said is useful...
PS: No co's near-by to do tube repairs - i've looked (let me know if you find anyone though)