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Old 11 June 2013, 00:12   #1
Selki West's Avatar
Country: Ireland
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Any good boat mechanic's ??

Hello everyone

I'm looking for a good and reliable boat mechanic in the Area of County Clare or County Galway in Ireland . I've been giving the go around
For the last 3 months? I bought a Rib boat 3 months ago in the hope to be out and about within a few weeks of buying it .. I knew a few small things needed fixing plus a service was needed, the main issue was the Tilt and trim pump, it raised the engine up and down but would not hold it! I've been told it was
" The Seals in the pump" that were worn.
I brought it to one Boat marine mechanic in County Clare , he told me after 3 weeks he needed to order parts from "China"? As he couldn't find parts in Ireland or Uk?? Under advice from a friend I took the Rib boat out and brought it to another marine boat mechanic in County Galway. It's going 7 weeks now and I feel something is a miss , the parts can't again be found in Ireland , Uk I was told they too were coming from "China" but now are coming from Belgium .. It's an 1989 65 Hp Suzuki engine . It runs well , the whole issue was the pump would not hold up the engine , it would lift it and also make the engine go down.. I feel I'm been Fu****** about sorry but their has to be an easier way about this! I bought this 3 months give myself enough time to fix her up now myself and family go on holidays in 6 days and I'm still been told by the Marine boat mechanic in Galway , Ireland after 7 weeks ; we are still waiting for parts coming from Belgium ??? I REALLY NEED SOME HELP AND ADVICE HERE!
No names or boat mechanics were used here in this .. I just want my rib boat fixed ..
And not be ripped off by some crazy €€ price as I've been told it will only take 30 minutes to fix..

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Old 11 June 2013, 00:26   #2
RIBnet admin team
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Whoever told you it was a 30 minute fix on a 1989 motor is delusional.It could take several hours and old Suzukis are known for corrosion issues.

7 weeks is a bit of a joke, but if they have actually ordered them and they haven't arrived it may be they've had to order more parts. Sometimes on hydraulics, you'll fix one thing and it'll highlight another problem.

However,you SHOULD be able to use it with the trim pump removed, as a manual tilt while they fix the trim pump. That'd get you a boat for your holiday if the rest of the motor has been serviced.
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Old 11 June 2013, 00:31   #3
RIBnet admin team
Nos4r2's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
Boat name: Dominator
Make: SR5.4
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yam 85
MMSI: 235055163
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 13,070
Note, you'll need to make sure you've got a limit pin fitted and manually trim it if you use it without the trim/tilt unit fitted.
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