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Old 23 October 2014, 13:33   #1
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any idea to store anchor next to the helmsman ?


I have bought 2 Bruce's anchors for HIGHFIELD OM540DL.

5kg (4m of chain 8mm) and 3 kg (2m of chain 6mm).

Main anchor I will try to keep in front locker.
If it not fits maybe in some mesh bag.

I would like to keep spare anchor (3kg) near me just in case I be alone on boat or do not want kids to help me out in this case

So my idea is to have some mesh bag, knapsack, anything ...
I will mount it on the back of jockey seat (or between jocke's and tube).

So it have to has some locker to avoid loose of anchor but it be nice to open it easily. I would like to have an access to it without unplug kill-cord.

So I have found below mentioned mesh bag. I will tight it to jockey's aluminium vertical pipe and maybe use some strip line ...


I will keep inside chain, rope,anchor. On request I will open this bag and use easy anchor without unplug kill-cord.

So maybe someone have similar needs and already find some solution and can share it please ?

If I not fit main anchor (Bruce's 5kg, 4m chain) in a locker - do you have some bag to keep it ? And how to mount it to boat.
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Old 23 October 2014, 14:55   #2
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I'd think a mesh bag wouldn't stand up to the chafe of an anchor and chain for long. Maybe a canvas bag?

Storage locker someplace if it's a spare (mostly to prevent it walking off when the boat is unattended); where is up to you to decide. One of the jockey seats maybe?

I personally keep my spare under the forward hatch, tucked down in the hull. Coiled rode, but no bag.

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Old 23 October 2014, 16:05   #3
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Originally Posted by MatFromPoland View Post

I have bought 2 Bruce's anchors for HIGHFIELD OM540DL.

5kg (4m of chain 8mm) and 3 kg (2m of chain 6mm).

Main anchor I will try to keep in front locker.
If it not fits maybe in some mesh bag.

I would like to keep spare anchor (3kg) near me just in case I be alone on boat or do not want kids to help me out in this case

So my idea is to have some mesh bag, knapsack, anything ...
I will mount it on the back of jockey seat (or between jocke's and tube).

So it have to has some locker to avoid loose of anchor but it be nice to open it easily. I would like to have an access to it without unplug kill-cord.

So I have found below mentioned mesh bag. I will tight it to jockey's aluminium vertical pipe and maybe use some strip line ...


I will keep inside chain, rope,anchor. On request I will open this bag and use easy anchor
without unplug kill-cord.

So maybe someone have similar needs and already find some solution and can share it please ?

If I not fit main anchor (Bruce's 5kg, 4m chain) in a locker - do you have some bag to keep it ? And how to mount it to boat.
Unless I'm missing something it seems your looking for a solution to a non existent problem.
Have a spare anchor by all means..
....but why do you feel the need to have it THAT close at Hand?...and as for deploying it whilst your Kill Cord is still attached??
A spare is usually smaller than the main...is used when the main is lost,fouled,or when you wish to anchor off the beach?
Use the main one..have a back up..and stow them both properly(below deck if poss) out of harms way....Heavy metal object like an anchor pluss chain and rope banging around on deck,in a bag or not...in ANY sort of Sea has to be a Bad idea.
And would probably take much longer to untangle...before use than stowing it properly (and ready to deploy)in the first place
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Old 23 October 2014, 16:55   #4
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Sorry @Maximus for my English.

1. Spare - better description SECOND
2. I will use where possible in Greece 2 anchors (MAIN 5kg and SECOND 3kg)
3. When I be the only one person on boat I will start from SECOND anchor and would like to have an access to it very close to my seat.

I agree about your concerns so I'm looking for best solution to have some secure close bag tight solidly attached to boat or to jockey seat.

If (based on people experience) it not works I give up and try to use lockers.
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Old 23 October 2014, 17:05   #5
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I use one of these just drill a few large holes at the base to let any water out. Works fine for me

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Old 23 October 2014, 17:33   #6
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any idea to store anchor next to the helmsman ?

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a Bruce anchor can also be stood up on its end using 3 deepish blocks of wood set out in a curved T shape or a slot chiseled out for it to drop into .
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Old 23 October 2014, 17:43   #7
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[QUOTE=kerny;652504]I use one of these just drill a few large holes at the base to let any water out. Works fine for me
Don't think The Mk1 "He Dump" (Yorkshire Male version of "She Wee")hanging off his Back rest would cut it Mate
.....can't see why he doesnt just put in his Jockey seat,if he must...won't get closer than that
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Old 23 October 2014, 19:39   #8
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Originally Posted by MatFromPoland View Post
Sorry @Maximus for my English.

1. Spare - better description SECOND
2. I will use where possible in Greece 2 anchors (MAIN 5kg and SECOND 3kg)
3. When I be the only one person on boat I will start from SECOND anchor and would like to have an access to it very close to my seat.

I agree about your concerns so I'm looking for best solution to have some secure close bag tight solidly attached to boat or to jockey seat.

If (based on people experience) it not works I give up and try to use lockers.
I think what Maximus is saying is anchor deployment is rarely:
a. A precision task: you are going to deploy an anchor with several meters of chain and rode. I wouldn't be trying to drop in EXACTLY the right place as you will be rotating round that point on a radius of 10+m if you need to get the centre right with precision you need to move the centre.

b. An emergency task: yes you will use it as an emergency break when the engine has failed. But it will be very rare that your engine fails while in achorable water and the drift would be so fast that the time to deploy from the console vs the front will matter. I'd want an aux to get me out of that situation if I thought it likely to crop up.

c. An underway at speed task: erm... never, you are deploying the brake. So provided you have confidence in your engine (its new you certainly should) then you should be able to lift anchor with engine off or drop it with engine off. I prefer if two handed to have the engine on tickover. If single handed the decision depends if there is likely to be a need to move off quick if the anchor doesn't catch etc. A longer KC is the answer here. OR when you are almost ready to anchor, in a safe place set everything up with the anchor ready on the bow so that all it needs is a gentle push to deploy, then move to the deployment place.
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Old 23 October 2014, 20:00   #9
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OK, so maybe such bag be better for rescue equipment, flares, torch, handheld radio, etc.

I will pick up boat from UK in April so now I have not idea if anchor fit locker under jockey seat. Even if it fit I will look for some bag to avoid tapping. Or some rubber to put into locker. Maybe it is better to keep heavy equipment like anchor and chain in a locker and snorkel equipment in mesh bag secured by rope or mounting tape
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Old 24 October 2014, 00:20   #10
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Originally Posted by MatFromPoland View Post
OK, so maybe such bag be better for rescue equipment, flares, torch, handheld radio, etc.

I will pick up boat from UK in April so now I have not idea if anchor fit locker under jockey seat. Even if it fit I will look for some bag to avoid tapping. Or some rubber to put into locker. Maybe it is better to keep heavy equipment like anchor and chain in a locker and snorkel equipment in mesh bag secured by rope or mounting tape
Better not being mesh bag

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Something like above....
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Old 24 October 2014, 05:39   #11
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@SPR I have a few OVEROARD duffels, have used them for SIB but not for snorkel equipment.

I think that for fins, neoprene jackets, mask you need mesh bag to dry them ...
The same for anchor. It is not so good if you keep wet rope in waterproof bag.

We use waterproof duffels for spare T-shitrs, normal shoes (we use neoprene shoes for swimming and walking near beach in Greece).

For towels you need mesh bag also ... We are 5 persons family (2+3) so we have a few bags every time


Sorry - you probably suggest it for rescue flares, spare parts for engine ... others
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Old 24 October 2014, 09:47   #12
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Presumably, even if you have an anchor close to hand, you are still going to have to leave your seat to attach it to a strong point on the RIB and then deploy it over the bow? I can't see any sense in what you are trying to do? As long as it is easily accessible in the bow area, it will be just as quick to use.
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Old 24 October 2014, 16:00   #13
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Originally Posted by Rokraider View Post
Presumably, even if you have an anchor close to hand, you are still going to have to leave your seat to attach it to a strong point on the RIB and then deploy it over the bow? I can't see any sense in what you are trying to do? As long as it is easily accessible in the bow area, it will be just as quick to use.
Of course not

My idea is to have end of the rope attached to A-frame, small part on the floor and rest of it (rest of rope, whole chain and anchor) in the bag.

So I will:

1. Open bag (for example velcro closure)
2. Get an anchor
3. Put to the water
4. Go straight slowly
5. Turn off engine
6. Tilt engine
7. Unplug kill-cord
8. Go to bottom
9. Use main anchor or moor boat to coast

Something like that I made on my SIB
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Old 24 October 2014, 16:22   #14
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Depending on the situation, I prefer to have the anchor attached to the bow, so the boat will naturally point into the wind. waves etc
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Old 25 October 2014, 07:01   #15
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I hope that main anchor will fit bow locker. Based on pictures it looks quite a big.
Maybe I will try to mount some very solid mesh bag to AFrame to keep second anchor and boat bumpers/fenders.
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