Originally Posted by Sonam
Whenever someone plays this cloak and dagger 'I can't tell you but you can trust me' line, I always wonder what they are hiding themselves.
Its not Cloak and Dagger. We have a position in the market which we stick to. Others dont trade in the same manner and evidently get greedy and want to go too someone elses piece of turf which is doing much better than their ownbut as they have used up all their own resources back in the country they are based they do not have the proper product in which to compare although they ae claiming it is still the same.
These problems can lead to legal situations of which your position is not to be comprimised by blabbing it all over the internet.
Ok dont trust me, go buy the American version or the stuff they are importing under the name X bee or buy Star Tron. Will save you money up until the point that your problem is still not solved and all your money has gone down the toilet along with a bigger bill to fix this problem.
Why do you think we sponsor things like the Soltron Atlantic Challenge. Its not just to get our name up in lights, its because we need tests and data. The product has proven itself, its not a question of trusting me its a question of read the facts for yourselves. We have put these facts into an area where you can see it for yourselves ans speak to the person who used the product to get his own opinion.
At the end of it, the decision is yours but one thing to remember Soltron from the States is not the same as Soltron from Europe.
If it was I would be telling him to go and use it to solve his problem as the loss of one sale is not going to bother any one, is it? and the responce once it had fixed his problem is only going to add to our long list of successes however, its unfortunate this is not the case.