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Old 14 April 2008, 22:32   #1
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Anyone driven the valiant dr490 and ribcraft 4.8?

Sorry to harp on about choosing my new boat but I do value other opinions!

Has anyone driven both the valiant dr490 and rc4.8? id like to know how they compare in handling. Took the valiant for a test drive today and was very impressed going through waves but supprised at how light and skittish the back end felt at speed, obviously didnt worry the RNLI so maybe im being hyper-sensative!

Any others I should consider at this size?

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Old 14 April 2008, 22:52   #2
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I had the 490 valiant , didn't have any problems with the back end as you describe but mine had a fairly heavy suzook 70 4stroke . It did like to be trimmed well in to turn sharply and i do remember trying to turn it at speed when i first got it and going very wide .

I think a ribcraft would cost you double the money but it is a higher quality boat . Depends on your needs and pocket . The valiant did us well for 2 years with no problems and held its value well.
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Old 14 April 2008, 23:06   #3
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Thanks Ian,

Why do you think the RC is higher quality? The valiant appeared to be very well made and at £4400 is £1500 cheaper than the the RC.

Overall im looking for the best sea keeping i can find under 5m.
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Old 14 April 2008, 23:36   #4
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Both sound pretty cheap . All the decent ribcrafts I saw with up to date engines etc were around 10 grand . The valiant i had was under 6 for a similar year and age .

If you want sea keeping At that price many people here would say find a tidy searider , and having seen my Valiant next to Nos4's searider in the same bit of choppy sea it would be good advice. But going just that bit bigger is probably the answer as i found despite advice in the begining.
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Old 15 April 2008, 02:05   #5
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What are the details on the tubing materials of these 2 boats?

I know I harp on this often, but tubing material is very important, since retubing costs are very expensive.
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Old 15 April 2008, 07:20   #6
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comparing the R c to the valiant is like comparing a robin reliant to a Audi A3, ive owned a 4.8 and have been out in the River Severn in the Valiant 490, miles apart,
Ribcraft for me, next boat will be a rc again,

they are all good for their particular purpose, but the RC is built for British Waters !!
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Old 15 April 2008, 08:48   #7
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Originally Posted by ian parkes View Post
Both sound pretty cheap . All the decent ribcrafts I saw with up to date engines etc were around 10 grand .
I think that Craig H is after the bare boat only.
life's full of ups "n" downs.
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Old 15 April 2008, 09:07   #8
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Valiant V RC

You can purchase the Valiant with 2 fabric types, Haku (PVC ) 5 year fabric & seam warranty, or Akron ( PU ) with a 10 year fabric & seam warranty. The Industries highest warranty. The Company is owned by Brunswick, the largest Marine Company in the World.They own Mercury, Mariner,Sealine, Boston Whaler, Maxum etc.
According to the RLNI this is the best performing 5M RIB in the world. The person who says it is a 'Reliant Robin ' is talking utter nonsense. The boat is being used by RIB International in the Round Scotland Challenge this August and has been endorsed by their Editor on many occasions.
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Old 15 April 2008, 12:09   #9
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Graham, I would agree that to compare the valiant to a reliant robin is probably unfair, and the comparison between an A3 and the Ribcraft is potentially equally as misleading (in fact comparisons to cars is a bit false in general since engines/performance are quite important in both the car and boat - and you can stick whatever engine you want on the boat). If people want to make comparisons then probably best to stick to models that are actually in production, and say how they compare (handling, build quality, value for money, style, reputation, performance, over hyped brand, loyal customer following, etc).

However whilst I think it is reasonable that you (IBS) have a right of response, your response comes across as a bit too much of an advert - I suggest you should, at the very least, clearly state your allegiance on such a post and it might be more appropriate to sign up for a trade membership.
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Old 15 April 2008, 13:15   #10
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
However whilst I think it is reasonable that you (IBS) have a right of response, your response comes across as a bit too much of an advert - I suggest you should, at the very least, clearly state your allegiance on such a post and it might be more appropriate to sign up for a trade membership.

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Old 15 April 2008, 18:49   #11
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Originally Posted by GRAHAM SOMERS View Post
According to the RLNI this is the best performing 5M RIB in the world.
That seems like a very bold statement. Was it in an official RNLI technical report?


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Old 15 April 2008, 19:36   #12
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i agree with that, utter rubbish, you would not get a serious ribber buying a valiant. even a local Valiant DEALER told me that if you want to do serious boating, Buy the Ribcraft!!!
you cant even repair your own Tubes on the Valiant
you can (if the need arises) on the RC.
They are totally different boats,in the med they are fine but in British waters you would have the Ribcraft, and i dont work for them, the Valiant are mass produced with little attention to Options that suit the purchaser also with very shallow V hulls,
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Old 15 April 2008, 21:14   #13
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Originally Posted by matt h View Post
i agree with that, utter rubbish
don't hold back matt say what you really think
you would not get a serious ribber buying a valiant.
well thats you probably offended a few people on here. it depends what you define as "serious ribber".

I think its interesting to compare your opinion and the one here (originally in RI) : http://www.hotribs.com/05ribreviews/...nguard-570.asp where the author opens with "...If you're looking to do a bit of serious ribbing and you've got twenty grand available, I'd recommend you take a look at what Valiant have to offer..."
even a local Valiant DEALER told me that if you want to do serious boating, Buy the Ribcraft!!!
was he trying to sell you the ribcraft at the time on brokerage?
you cant even repair your own Tubes on the Valiant
are you sure? there are certainly kits available

They are totally different boats,in the med they are fine
have you driven one in the med? are you think of the valiant vanguard range or the DR range being discussed here?
but in British waters you would have the Ribcraft,
and yet oddly I would venture a guess that valiant sell more 490s in the uk than ribcraft sell 4.8s
the Valiant are mass produced
ribcrafts hardly a hobby business - but mass production should be good for price and consistency of quality
with little attention to Options that suit the purchaser
Actually if its not too much of an oxymoron there are a range of standard options available. For someone looking to buy a highly customised craft its probably not the way to go but for many people a typical/average/standard set up is actually what they want. But you are suggesting they come only in one out of the mould format which I don't think is true.

also with very shallow V hulls,
I think you will need to define very shallow V...
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Old 15 April 2008, 22:05   #14
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I think the car comparison works . Maybe a robin reliant is a bit OTT but the Valiant is like a mid range Ford for example , and the ribcraft like a BMW or Audi , the price new and used reflects that .
Like the ford the valiant is a reliable family boat , not everyone wants or needs to own the ultimate sea going tool , after all i would bet most boats are used for trips to the beach and cruises along the coast in reasonable weather etc .
You buy what you can afford or need and not everyone can afford the Top of the range car or boat .But slagging off a cheaper mass produced version like the valiant is nothing more than boat snobbery
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Old 15 April 2008, 22:19   #15
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valiant and ribcraft

I have owned both makes, and operated both commercially.
I have also driven both the 4.8 and the 4.9 for local owners.
The experience I have comes from a commercial bias ie will it last and will it handle the moderate not silly conditions which I choose to go out in.
The valiant had a few minor issues on tubes over the 191 hours I ran it (1 and a half seasons) it was a bit light on layup for my taste. It also slammed a lot in certain conditions. BUT the hull always got me there, if shaken on occasions.
I feel they are ideal family leisure boats if you are not expecting to keep it forever.As the 4.9 was OK but not outstanding and I am sure you will want to move up at some stage. But remember what you want it for and try to to get carried away with the whole "proper ribber??????" stuff.
I see people on here frequently with boats I would never consider or like and I feel they are just as entitled as me to use this term.
I strongly reccomend you try both. opinions are fine but you will drive it in the end.
That said I love the ribcraft. indeed we plan a second which will be the 4.8
You can if you have the right advice repair valiant tubes,
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Old 16 April 2008, 07:57   #16
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Thanks for all the inputs guys.

This is not a step up to a bigger boat, I've had a Narwhal 4.5 for 3 years now and due to the size of my garage I have to keep to less than 5m. The reason I'm looking for a new boat is that last year I hardly got to use the Narwhal because every day I was free the water was to rough for it. Therefore I'm looking for the best boat for rough waters under 5m that money can buy. Budget is not important, naturally I'd rather spend as little as possible, but if the extra £1500 for the RC is going to make a lot of difference then so be it!

At the risk of stiring up a hornets nest I would rather have PVC than Hyperlon. Looking at the prices (bare boat only) the RC is £1500 more than its competitors but has hyperlon tubes and since £1300-1500 is generally the price most manufacturers charge for the hyperlon option the RC isnt that bad. But it would be nice if they sold it with a PVC option £1500 cheaper!

I was impressed with the valiant on its test ride but as Mike says I need a to test the RC to make a proper comparisson, anyone got a 4.8 RC they want to show off......
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Old 16 April 2008, 14:23   #17
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People spend the extra money on hypalon for good reason. You'd be lucky to get 1/3 of the life expectancy from PVC tubes as from hypalon, and retubing isn't cheap. The sunnier the climate you are in, the shorter the PVC tubes will last.
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Old 16 April 2008, 15:23   #18
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Shall Vee hull on DR 490

The Deadrise on a Dr 490 is 24 degrees at the transom. I would be surprised if this was considered a shallow Vee
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Old 16 April 2008, 18:10   #19
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Originally Posted by two stroke mick View Post
The Deadrise on a Dr 490 is 24 degrees at the transom. I would be surprised if this was considered a shallow Vee
thats quite funny as the ribcraft 4.8 is only 23 deg at the transom.
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Old 16 April 2008, 19:04   #20
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I think the RC is the best RIB by far, even better than an Avon or an Osprey even better than an ard boat. As well as having the best RIB/Boat, I have also got the biggest.... knob Oh and a damaged rib, so you cant have a go
Big waves, small boat ;)
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