Originally Posted by simon23
The guy i got it off didn't no anything about it except it was made about 1965. No i didn't no Perkins made a diesel aga . Thank you both . Sent from my GT-S5830 using Rib.net
They also developed a number of different outboards including a water cooled Rotary Wankel outboard engine in the early 1960s but could not just get it right for production .
Perkins initially used rebadged "oliver "outboards when One of the directors as me old man said got wind of the then upcoming North sea oil boom & saw a market for outboards , they bought the company out from the states about 1959 they then completely redesigned them a couple of years later , Oliver a farm machinery co had bought their outboard division that had its roots with the classic CrisCraft boat co in the 1930s/40s
Alot of the later 40 /35 Perkins were used by foreign Navys such as the Dutch for aluminium landing craft .