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Old 01 October 2008, 21:21   #1
nikster's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 228
anyone know anything about this?

Celtic Pioneer
Injury to passenger on board 9 metre RIB.
Preliminary examination

From the MAIB website - was just reading the Flying Phantom report.........very very sad and incredibly frightening experience for the crew......

However what it does do is highlight the need for simulator training to be used the same as we have in Aviation for commercial ops....

Only today i was with a ferry crew who had never sailed in anything other than good VMC weather and they are licensed to sail with 168 pax - and we had an incident last year with a local ferry skipper that due to fog got lost in Poole Harbour and did the sensible thing in attaching to the first buoy they came across and waited for the fog to lift........ but a skipper allowed to carry that many pax on commercial ops and gets lost the first time they operate in low viz is unacceptable.....

At least with a sim ride twice a year they would be able to learn in an environment that is just as realistic but with ZERO risk to vessel and lives???? And with an instructor examiner able to assess true capabilities rather than tons of training in the weeks before ticket test -then let loose with no further need for instructional oversight or recurrency????

I would be really interested to hear what others think about sim checks for commercial ops in larger boats - especially coded workboats / ribs that are likely to encounter difficult or changing conditions year round rather than solent charter ops in nice G&T weather....!!!
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