09 June 2003, 21:52
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Just Sour Grapes
What a load of old sour grapes.
The Guy has guts and is risking it cos its a challenge and it can help under privaliged children ect.
If anybody on here can demonstrate doing more for other underprivilaged children than what Bear and crew are doing for no personal gain then take the stage.
I am embarassed at some of the statments and attitudes towards this dangerous challange,and a fellow ribster who is making it happen on all fronts,commercialy for the good of others,
That is what real succsess is in my oppinion and he is welcome to wear the T shirt as far as I am concerned,just for attempting such a challenge.
The good news is we dont all feel the same ,or life would be pritty grim for some,as unfortunatly it is.
I hadnt heard of the Princess Trust before I read about it because of Bears rib challenge.
We all can help if we want to,you decide.
Good luck Bear and crew.
09 June 2003, 22:07
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Re: Just Sour Grapes
Originally posted by crazyhorse
If anybody on here can demonstrate doing more for other underprivilaged children than what Bear and crew are doing for no personal gain then take the stage.
I know I said I'd shut up, and I may regret this, but get real Jon!
Bear is doing this expedition primarily because he wants to, also because it will give him more to talk about in his after dinner speeches, and I dare say that if a good story emerges he'll write a book about it. It may make some money for charity too, but this is no more than a side benefit (I suspect that the main reason for any charitable angle is so that people like you will champion his cause!)
None of these are necessarily bad things, and none of them take anything away from the achievement of a successful expedition. However I disagree with your analysis that this is an altruistic, self sacrificing endeavour!
09 June 2003, 22:21
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Originally posted by THEWAVEHUMPER
Just to get into the SAS would be enough for most people and as such demands respect
Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound . . .
Stu, what makes you think that Bear Grylls was in the SAS?
I've been improving my interpretation of "Gryllspeak" lately, and my guess is that he was never actually a member of the SAS. His publicity says that he "spent three years with the British Special Forces", but what exactly does that mean? Not being one to hide his light under a bushel, surely if he was ever in the SAS he wouldn't be shy about telling us, would he?
If I'm wrong I'm sure that someone will quickly put me in my place
09 June 2003, 22:36
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The term "British Special Forces" is now used to describe Para, RM, SAS, SBS and a couple of other specialist units. Thankfully they are on our side, beause I wouldn't want to meet some of them on a dark night. However a 3 year tour could also be a supporting arm attached to one of the above, like Royal Logistic Corps (cooks even  )
My money is on RM were he forged the links to the other naval team members, but could be wrong.
I wish him well, but to miss quote Alan P was unecessary. Why has he chosen an open boat, did he learn nothing from reading Alans book. He could have chosen a cabin rib and reduced the risk. We have already had one British explorer put lives in danger this month in the Arctic.
09 June 2003, 22:40
Country: UK - England
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My Final word ?
JK Quote
However I disagree with your analysis that this is an altruistic, self sacrificing endeavour!
John [/B][/QUOTE]
Did I say That ?
You see I believe that whilst some of us may now a little about our respective rib boats?
I find it incredibly difficult to believe that we also now what is motorvating a highly respected achiever,who is attempting to cross the Atlantic with his crew for a charity.
Its easy for us to knock or criticise,but its very hard to be successful, which Bear and crew seem to be on there way,to me.
If Bear is succsesful then it only enhances Ribs and Alans achievments,not deminishes them.
09 June 2003, 22:58
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I can't actually remember where I read Bear was in the SAS, but it was in connection with the unfortunate accident, that broke his back. I think it might have been on his website in the early days of the challenge, but I might have inferred it !
09 June 2003, 23:15
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Yes Stu,
It says in his website:
"Bear spent three years with the British Special Forces. During this time he had a horrendous parachuting accident whilst in southern Africa and broke his back in three places. Three years later, after severe rehabilitation, he overcame the odds to become the youngest British climber ever to reach the summit of Mount Everest and return alive."
It also says:
The Arnold & Son Trans Atlantic Arctic Expedition aims to set a World Record for the first complete crossing of the North Atlantic just south of the Arctic Circle in an 'open' rigid inflatable boat (RIB).
Which is the only area where I would be concerned as I believe it to be factually incorrect !
"The first complete crossing of the North Atlantic just south of the Arctic Circle in an 'open' rigid inflatable boat (RIB)."
was as I have earlier said, sucessfully completed by Enda O'Coineen over 20 years ago on this same route non stop and single handed in a RIB called Kilcullen.
I believe that their website statement should be corrected as both a matter of record and fairness to those who have gone before.
Best wishes,
10 June 2003, 07:07
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Stuart (M) - again it's a very carefully worded statement. I've got Enda's book here in front of me and it looks like his route was much further south than Bear's. In fact, wasn't his whole plan based on getting into the Gulf Stream? From St John's it looks like Enda travelled roughly eastwards towards the Bristol Channel, whilst Bear and his team plan to head in a northeastrerly direction towards Greenland and then further northeast to Iceland before a Scottish landfall. A very similar route to Alan Priddy's.
Let's make no mistake, this is a great adventure, and the guys deserve some serious respect. It's just a pity that they (or their publicists) have chosen not to acknowledge the achievements of those who went before, whose journeys are well documented. "The Unsinkable Kilcullen" and "Beating The Big One" are excellent records of these achievements, and Alan's book will probably be particularly useful to Bear's team - full of facts for just a tenner... Like how to find the "Arctic Princess" - a sort of Icelandic offshore fuel barge!
Best of luck to you boys!
10 June 2003, 09:41
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Re: My Final word ?
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Did I say That ?
You said that he was doing it "for underprivilaged children . . . for no personal gain "
I couldn't really understand much of the rest of your message, but anyway no one is disagreeing with you that this is a great challenge. Without exception, everyone has wished the team the very best of luck.
However, anyone who publicly "bigs themself up" to this degree has to expect a bit of flack now and then.
10 June 2003, 21:23
Country: UK - England
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I think they can take it.  Dont you ?
See http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/
10 June 2003, 23:30
Country: UK - England
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CH was a bit surprised to find that you hadn't heard about the Princes Trust as it is a very famous charity, much patronised by showbiz types. They also do excellent work.
Out of interest has anybody else not heard of the Princes trust ?
As an aside I raised 4300 for Comic relief in 2001 by producing a booklet called Comic Relief Appreciation Pamphlet. yes folks an Acronym does exist basically it was a rag magazine aimed at the corporate culture, so it's not sexist, racist or eliteist and I have six left.
If anybody wants a copy then the first 6 to promise to donate a tenner to the Princes trust or the NSPCC gets one. see joke page for samples
10 June 2003, 23:36
Country: UK - England
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Sounds good to me.
How many did you get printed?
Who did the printing ?
I will have one,How do I pay?
12 June 2003, 11:02
Country: UK - England
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Isn't it about time your new boat was ready? Alan P
12 June 2003, 16:51
Country: UK - England
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Yep ,Sure is.
Alan what are the exact dimensions of Spirit ? How wide what length ect?Air height .
16 June 2003, 08:48
Country: Other
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Some Useless Info
Bear and Crew were in Jersey over the week-end with their Ocean Dynamics Rib- unfortunately I found out too late to go down and meet with them, and take some photos.
16 June 2003, 09:10
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Re: Some Useless Info
Originally posted by Charles
Bear and Crew were in Jersey over the week-end with their Ocean Dynamics Rib- unfortunately I found out too late to go down and meet with them, and take some photos.
how do you get to know all this stuff
some people have all the fun
16 June 2003, 09:18
Country: Other
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Hey Lee
Its not what you know - its who you know!
29 June 2003, 23:19
Country: UK - England
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Whilst out this Sunday, came across this RIB...
29 June 2003, 23:22
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ranieri
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Now you should be able to guess where...
29 June 2003, 23:25
Country: UK - England
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Closer now:
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